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The Kids Cook Monday Program Can Help Reduce Child Obesity

Mary Katherine Schutt

Engaging children in preparing family meals can protect against childhood obesity and other risky behaviors.

July 13, 2021

O'Keefe discusses Richard Branson's space flight with CNBC, The Hill

University Professor Sean O’Keefe, former NASA administrator, joined CNBC's Worldwide Exchange to discuss the space flight, and what it means for the billionaire and for the world. O'Keefe also wrote a piece, "Richard Branson's space flight changes the way we look at space," that was published in The Hill. 
July 12, 2021

See related: Europe, Space Exploration

Rasmussen's Fears of a Setting Sun reviewed in Wall Street Journal

"Fears of a Setting Sun: The Disillusionment of America’s Founders" (Princeton University Press, 2021), written by Dennis Rasmussen, professor of political science, was reviewed in the Wall Street Journal
July 12, 2021

Alumni Spotlight: Into the Fray

Carolyn Bourdeaux ’03 Joins Congress Days Before Capitol Riot
July 12, 2021

An 80x30 Clean Electricity Standard: Carbon, Costs, and Health Benefits

Charles Driscoll, Kathy Fallon Lambert, Peter Wilcoxen, Armistead Russell, Dallas Burtraw, Maya Domeshek, Qasim Mehdi, Huizhong Shen & Petros Vasilakos
July 11, 2021

See related: Climate Change

Flores-Lagunes comments on Northeast labor gains in Business Insider

Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, professor of economics, says that "people are feeling more comfortable going to restaurants, traveling, and right now in the Northeast, it's a good time to travel because it's not as cold."
July 11, 2021

Humphrey Fellows leave with new tools and many memories

At least one Maxwell School Hubert H. Humphrey fellow closed her Syracuse University chapter with good-natured relief at navigating logistical challenges of the program, truncated because of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Failure was not an option,” Piyabelan Bouyo of Togo said during the Humphrey year-end celebration.
July 9, 2021

See related: Student Experience

Humphrey Fellows return home with proposals to lead change

Ramiro Suárez Galán plans to spend the next six months pitching a plan for a financial oversight office in his home state of Oaxaca, Mexico. 
July 9, 2021

See related: Student Experience

Barkun quoted in piece on TWA 800 conspiracy theories

Michael Barkun, professor emeritus of political science, says internet forums and social media platforms have served as mass media outlets without gatekeepers. They allow unconventional ideas to quickly become mainstream. "Now anyone with an idea, no matter how bizarre, has a way of potentially getting it in front of fairly large audiences," he says. "That has eroded what was once a firm boundary between the fringe and the mainstream."
July 9, 2021

Four Maxwell Students Named 2021 Boren Fellows

Four students in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs have been named as recipients of the 2021 Boren Fellowship. The fellowship, sponsored by the National Security Education Program, funds immersive foreign language study abroad experiences for graduate students who plan to work in the federal national security arena.
July 9, 2021

Lovely talks to Bloomberg about Beijing relations with Europe, US

Mary Lovely, professor of economics, discussed Beijing relations with Europe and the U.S. on 'Bloomberg Markets: China Open.' 
July 9, 2021

Jacobson discusses US troop withdrawal, Afghanistan on CBS, MSNBC, VOA

On Thursday, President Joe Biden announced the rapid withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan would conclude by August 31, weeks before the September 11 deadline he set earlier this year. 
July 9, 2021

A Climate for Change - Ethan Coffel

As New York farms brace for another season, they are feeling the heat of global warming. Ethan Coffel, professor at Syracuse University is a principle investigator exploring the link between climate and agricultural change
July 9, 2021

Jennifer Karas Montez received an Honorable Mention for the 2021 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship in Population Award

Jennifer Karas Montez, Lerner Center faculty affiliate, earned an honorable mention for the 2021 Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship in Population Award, awarded by the American Sociological Association, for her paper titled "U.S. state policies, politics, and life expectancy."

July 8, 2021

See related: Awards & Honors

Bendix talks to LA Times about CA wildfires, fireworks threat

Jacob Bendix, professor of geography and the environment, specializes in the study of wildfire distribution.
July 8, 2021

Faricy weighs in on Democrat's proposed tax strategy in Wall Street Journal

A lot of Democratic voters have low trust in government,” says Christopher Faricy, associate professor of political science. "You have to tie it to something that is popular, that you can sell to people that will be an improvement in their day-to-day lives." Read more in the Wall Street Journal article, "Democrats Focus on Turning Tax Talk Into Action." 
July 8, 2021

Monnat wins the 2021 Fred Buttel Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Award for new research

Shannon Monnat coauthored a paper, “The Opioid Hydra: Understanding Overdose Mortality Epidemics and Syndemics Across the Rural-Urban Continuum” (published in Rural Sociology), that won the 2021 Fred Buttel Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Award from the Rural Sociological Society. This award recognizes outstanding scholarship in the form of a book or article that advances the field of rural sociological knowledge. Congratulations to Shannon!
July 8, 2021

See related: Awards & Honors

Gadarian quoted in Vox piece on political polarization, COVID-19 vaccine

"Partisanship is now the strongest and most consistent divider in health behaviors," says Shana Gadarian, professor of political science. 
July 8, 2021

Presence of Large Racial-Ethnic Differences in ADHD Prevalence among U.S. Children

Ashlyn W. W. A. Wong

This data slice compares adolescent ADHD diagnoses across racial-ethnic groups.

July 8, 2021

Gueorguiev quoted in SCMP piece on Chinese human rights abuses, UN

Dimitar Gueorguiev, associate professor of political science, is included in the South China Morning Post article, "US agency urges UN to move on investigation of alleged human rights abuses in China." 
July 6, 2021

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