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Center for Policy Research News

Care Work: Gender, Labor, and the Welfare State

Madonna Harrington Meyer
December 31, 2000

See related: Gender and Sex

Miner paper on bureaucratic models of inefficiency published in Public Choice

William Duncombe, Jerry Miner & John Ruggiero
September 30, 1997

Miner article on cost savings from school district consolidation published in Econ of Edu Review

Jerry Miner, William Duncombe & John Ruggiero
August 31, 1995

See related: Education

Foreign Investment in the United States

Jan Ondrich and Michael J. Wasylenko
December 31, 1993

Panel Data Analysis

Badi H. Baltagi
January 1, 1992

Property Taxes and House Values

John M. Yinger
December 31, 1988

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Center for Policy Research Events

We continue to follow the advice of local public health officials in regards to in-person events. Please check Syracuse University’s Stay Safe website for the latest safety protocols before coming to campus or other in-person venues.

Syracuse University Center for Policy Research, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion, & Penn State Population Research Institute Joint Population Health Colloquium


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"Population Health & Children and Family Policy" 

Presenters include:

Syracuse University:

1. Leonard Lopoo: Professor, PAIA; Director of the Center for Policy Research

2. Amy Ellen Schwartz: Professor, Economics and PAIA; Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chair in Public Affairs

3. Katherine Michelmore: Assistant Professor, PAIA

4. Colleen Heflin: Professor, PAIA

Penn State University:

1. Christian Connell: Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Studies; Associate Director of the Child Maltreatment Solutions Network

2. Andrew Fenelon: Assistant Professor, Public Policy and Sociology

3. Erica Frankenberg: Professor, Education Policy Studies and Demography

4. Lea Pessin: Assistant Professor, Sociology and Demography

This event will be held on Zoom. More details to follow.

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Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall