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Students in a classroom with teacher standing at the front

Faculty Experts

PEEPs faculty are Center for Policy Research faculty from across the Maxwell School who study educational inequalities in the United States--pre-kindergarten through higher education--and evaluate the policies that address those inequalities.


Topics and issues that have been addressed by PEEPs researchers include in PK-12 Education: 

  • design of state aid formulas
  • education and health
  • effects of school poverty

In addition to topics in PK-12 education, PEEPs researchers have investigated issues related to access in higher education including:

  • affirmative action
  • entry and degree attainment in STEM
  • immigrants and higher education
The back of a student's head sitting in a classroom

Listen to the "Equity Matters" podcast

Upcoming Events

The US Farm Bill: What’s at Stake for our Food, Farmers, and Environment?


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What is the Farm Bill, and why is it important?

On the surface, the U.S. Farm Bill might not sound very exciting to the typical person. Yet the 2024 Farm Bill will direct over $1 trillion in federal government spending over the next 5 years. It is at the foundation of our food assistance, food supply, and farming systems. It has significant influence on farming livelihoods and rural development, as well as factors that affect our everyday lives, including what kinds of foods are grown and how they are grown, food prices and healthy food access, funding for food assistance programs, our climate, and much more.

At this virtual event, experts from the Center for Policy Research answered questions about the potential implications of the Farm Bill on Americans’ everyday lives.


Social Science and Public Policy





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MAX-Center for Policy Research


Alyssa Kirk


Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART)

Contact Alyssa Kirk to request additional accommodations

Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall