2025 Schedule
Sunday, June 15
- Unified sessions (James Mahoney, Lisa Wedeen, TBA)
Monday, June 16
Module Section A: Preparing for Fieldwork and Operating in the Field
Instructors: Diana Kapiszewski and Lauren MacLeanModule Section B: Multi-Method Research I
Instructor: Jaye SeawrightModule Section C: Logic of Qualitative Methods I
Instructors: James Mahoney, Gary Goertz and Laura GarciaModule Section D: Interpretive Methods I
Instructors: Lisa Wedeen and William Mazzarella
Tuesday, June 17
- Module Section A: Research Ethics, Surveys, and Interviews
Instructors: Diana Kapiszewski and Lauren MacLean - Module Section B: Multi-Method Research II
Instructor: Jaye Seawright - Module Section C: Logic of Qualitative Methods II
Instructors: James Mahoney, Gary Goertz and Laura Garcia - Module Section D: Interpretive Methods II
Instructors: Lisa Wedeen and William Mazzarella
Wednesday, June 18
- Module Section A: Interviews, Focus Groups, and Observation
Instructors: Diana Kapiszewski and Lauren MacLean - Module Section B: Comparative Historical Analysis I
Instructor: Marcus Kreuzer - Module Section C: Interpretation and History I
Instructor: TBD
Thursday, June 19
- Juneteenth holiday - No Sessions
Friday, June 20
- Module Section A: Archival Research, Dynamic Research Design
Instructors: Robert Mickey, Diana Kapiszewski and Lauren MacLean - Module Section B: Comparative Historical Analysis II
Instructor: Marcus Kreuzer - Module Section C: Interpretation and History II
Instructor: TBD
Saturday, June 21
- Authors Workshop
Sunday, June 22
- Authors Workshop
Monday, June 23
- Module Section A: Integrating Qualitative and Experimental Methods I
Instructor: TBD - Module Section B: Causal Inference from Causal Models I
Instructor: Alan Jacobs - Module Section C: Choosing Spatial Units of Analysis
Instructor: Hillel Soifer - Module Section D: Ethnographic Methods I
Instructor: TBD
Tuesday, June 24
- Module Section A: Integrating Qualitative and Experimental Methods II
Instructor: TBD - Module Section B: Causal Inference from Causal Models II
Instructor: Alan Jacobs - Module Section C: Bayesian Inference for Qualitative Research I
Instructor: Tasha Fairfield - Module Section D: Ethnographic Methods II
Instructor: TBD
Wednesday, June 25
- Module Section A: Integrating Qualitative and Experimental Methods III
Instructor: TBD - Module Section B: Causal Inference from Causal Models III
Instructor: Alan Jacobs - Module Section C: Bayesian Inference for Qualitative Research II
Instructor: Tasha Fairfield - Module Section D: Ethnographic Methods III
Instructor: TBD
Thursday, June 26
- Module Section A: Geographic Information Systems I
Instructor: Jonnell Robinson - Module Section B: Text as Data
Instructor: TBD - Module Section C: Process Tracing and Typological Theories I
Instructor: Andrew Bennett - Module Section D: Re-thinking Small-N Comparisons I
Instructor: Nicholas Rush
Friday, June 27
- Module Section A: Geographic Information Systems II
Instructor: Jonnell Robinson - Module Section B: Text as Data
Instructor: TBD - Module Section C: Process Tracing and Typological Theories II
Instructor: Andrew Bennett - Module Section D: Re-thinking Small-N Comparisons II
Instructor: Nicholas Rush Smith