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John McPeak

John McPeak

Contact Information:


333 Eggers Hall

John McPeak

Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs Department

Senior Research Associate, Center for Environmental Policy and Administration

Senior Research Associate, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs

Senior Research Associate, Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration

Senior Research Associate and Advisory Board Member, Maxwell African Scholars Union


  • 2024 Fall
    • PAI 897 Fundamentals of Policy Analysis
    • PST 410 Practicum in Public Policy - Pract. Gov/Non-Profit Org.
  • 2024 Summer
    • PAI 897 Fundamentals of Policy Analysis
  • 2024 Spring
    • PAI 723 Economics for Public Decisions
    • ECN/PAI 661/757 Economics of Development
    • PAI 897 Fundamentals of Policy Analysis
  • 2023 Fall
    • PAI 897 Fundamentals of Policy Analysis
    • PST 410 Practicum in Public Policy - Pract. Gov/Non-Profit Org.
    • PAI 705 Research Design for IR Practitioners
  • 2023 Summer
    • PAI 897 Fundamentals of Policy Analysis
  • 2023 Spring
    • PAI 757 Economics of Development
    • PAI 897 Fundamentals of Policy Analysis
    • PAI 705 Research Design for IR Practitioners
  • 2022 Fall
    • PAI 670 Experience Credit
    • PAI 897 Fundamentals of Policy Analysis
  • 2022 Summer
    • PAI 670 Experience Credit
    • PAI 897 Fundamentals of Policy Analysis
  • 2022 Spring
    • ECN/PAI 661/757 Economics of Development
    • PAI 897 Fundamentals of Policy Analysis
    • PAI 705 Research Design for IR Practitioners

Highest degree earned

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1999

Areas of Expertise

Development economics, natural resource economics, African agricultural development

Research Interests

Development economics, risk management

Research Grant Awards and Projects

"Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders 2024", Sponsored by Department of State.

"Mandela Washington Fellowship - YALI 2023", Sponsored by Department of State.

"Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young Africa Leaders", Sponsored by Department of State.

"Need for a Consultancy to Run Market Research Paving the Way for Inclusive Pastoral Markets Investments", Sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

"2020 Mandela Washington Fellowship - YALI", Sponsored by Department of State.

"2019 Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders", Sponsored by Department of State.

"Public Management and Leadership Development Program (PML)", Sponsored by US Department of State / IREX.

Selected Publications

  • Books
    • McPeak, J., Brown, S. S., "Remittances and Fragile States: What Do We Know?." In Transnational Transfers and Global Development. , 2012.
    • McPeak, J., Mude, A., Chantarat, S., Barrett, C. B., Carter, M. and Ikegami, M., "Insuring Against Drought-Related Livestock Mortality: Piloting Index-Based Livestock Insurance in Northern Kenya." Towards Priority Actions for Market Development for African Farmers: Proceedings of an International Conference, 2011.
    • McPeak, J., Little, P. D. and Doss, C. R., "Risk and social change in an African rural economy: Livelihoods in pastoralist communities." In Risk and Social Change in an African Rural Economy: Livelihoods in Pastoralist Communities. , 2011.
    • Haro, G. O., Doyo, G. J. and McPeak, J., "Linkages between community, environment and conflict management: Experiences from northern Kenya." In Decentralization and the Social Economics of Development: Lessons from Kenya. , 2007.
  • Journal Articles
  • Book Chapters
    • McPeak, J., Ecology of African Pastoralist Societies for Human Ecology. , 2010.
    • McPeak, J., "Impact of Science on African Agriculture and Food Security." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2009.
    • McPeak, J., Dutt, A. K. and Ros, J., "The Environment and Development." In International Handbook of Development Economics. Elgar, E. (ed.) , 2008.
    • McPeak, J., "Linkages Between Community, Environmental, and Conflict Management: Experiences from Northern Kenya." In Decentralization and the Social Economics of Development. Barrett, C. B., Mude, A. and Omiti, J. (eds.) CABI, 2007.
    • McPeak, J., Little, P. D., "Introduction." In Livestock Marketing in Eastern Africa: Research and Policy Challenges. ITDG Publishing, 2006.
    • Green, A. M., Barrett, C. B. and Luseno, W. K., "Livestock Market Organization and Price Distributions in Northern Kenya." In Livestock Marketing in Eastern Africa: Research and Policy Challenges. McPeak, J., Little, P. D. (eds.) ITDG Publishing, 2006.
    • Little, P. D., "Livestock Marketing in Marsabit District, Kenya, over the past fifty years." In Livestock Marketing in Eastern Africa: Research and Policy Challenges. McPeak, J. (ed.) ITDG Publishing, 2006.
  • Annotated Bibliography
    • McPeak, J., "Trade." In Oxford Bibliographies in African Studies. Spear, T. (ed.) Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Book Chapter, Book Series
  • Conference Proceedings
    • McPeak, J., "The Role of Pastoralists’ Tradition / Cultural Institutions in Climate Change Resilience in West Africa." Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Public Administration and International Symposium on West African Studies. USTEC, Chengdu, 2017.
    • Lybbert, T. J., Galarza, F. B., McPeak, J., Barrett, C. B., Boucher, S. R., Carter, M. R., Chantarat, S., Fadlaoui, A. and Mude, A., "Dynamic field experiments in development economics: Risk valuation in Morocco, Kenya, and Peru." In Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. , 2010.
    • Lee, D. R., Barrett, C. B. and McPeak, J., "Policy, technology, and management strategies for achieving sustainable agricultural intensification." In Agricultural Economics. , 2006.
    • McPeak, J., "Pastoral Decision-Making: an Empirical Investigation of Rangeland Use." 6th Biennial KARI Scientific Conference. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, 1999.
    • McPeak, J., "Rice Extension Activities, Kolda Region." Peace Corps Senegal and Winrock International, Dakar, Senegal, 1991.
    • McPeak, J., Gamble, J., "A Study of Rice Cultivation Practices in the Arrondissement of Dioulakolon, Department of Kolda, Region of Kolda, for the Rainy Season of 1990." Peace Corps Senegal, Dakar, Senegal, 1990.
  • Research Briefs
    • McPeak, J., Little, P., "Resilience and Pastoralism in sub-Saharan Africa, with a Particular Focus on the Horn of Africa and the Sahel, West Africa." Background Paper for the IFPRI 2020 Conference, 2020.
    • McPeak, J., Ababa, A., "Building Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security." IFPRI, Washington DC, 2014.
    • McPeak, J., Turner, M., "Mapping Transhumance Corridors in West Africa." GSFA / RIVERS and MLPI 2 projects of the Adapting Livestock Systems to Climate Change Collaborative Research Support Project. RB-03, 2012.
    • McPeak, J., Lupis, S. and Angerer, J., "Mali Livestock & Pastoralist Initiative (MLPI-2) Building on Success, Looking to the Future." Adapting Livestock Systems to Climate Change Collaborative Research Support Project. PB-06, 2011.
    • McPeak, J., Kassogue, S. and Dembele, B., "Animal Fattening in Mali." MLPI Research brief, RB 10-04- MLPI, 2010.
    • McPeak, J., Diarra, L., Kouriba, A., Kodio, A., Teme, B. and Kerna, A., "Management and Use of Bourgou (Echinochloa stagnina)." RB 10-05-MLPI, 2010.
    • McPeak, J., Turner, M., "Risk Ranking in Northern Mali." MLPI research brief, RB 10-01-MLPI, 2010.
  • Technical Reports
    • McPeak, J., "The Role of Pastoralists’ Tradition / Cultural Institutions in Climate Change Resilience." International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC, 2017.
    • McPeak, J., "The Role of Pastoralists’ Tradition / Cultural Institutions in Climate Change Resilience in West Africa." International Food Policy Research Institute. Washington DC, 2017.
    • McPeak, J., "Report of a Consultancy for Livestock Systems and Environment Program. Accelerated Value Chain Development (AVCD) - Livestock Component Project. Activity code IS03_NBO_USA081_USA081L." International Livestock Research Institute, 2016.
    • McPeak, J., Little, P. and Huntington, H., "Land Use at the Margins of Intensive and Extensive Land Use: Baseline Survey Results from Southern Ethiopia." World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, 2015.
    • McPeak, J., Aklilu, Y., Little, P. and Mahmoud, H., "Market Access and Trade Issues Affecting the Drylands in the Horn of Africa. Brief Prepared by a Technical Consortium hosted by the CGIAR in partnership with the FAO Investment Center." FAO – CGIAR, Nairobi, 2013.
    • McPeak, J., Little, P., Behnke, R. and Gebru, G., "Future Scenarios for Pastoral Development in Ethiopia, 2010-2025." Pastoral Economic Growth and Development Policy Assessment, Ethiopia, 2010.
    • McPeak, J., Little, P., Behnke, R. and Gebru, G., "Policy Options for Pastoral Development in Ethiopia." Pastoral Economic Growth and Development Policy Assessment, Ethiopia, 2010.

Presentations and Events

Forage Convening, IFPRI, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, University of Florida, "Strengthening forage market systems to improve sustainable livestock production and smallholder resilience" (November 30, 2023)

Issues in African Development Seminar Series, Institute for African Development, "Land Use and Tenure Insecurity in the Drylands of Southern Ethiopia" (October 25, 2023)

Joint meeting of MWF Fellows from Cornell and Syracuse, Department of Applied Economics, "Some Images of Agricultural Innovation" (July 21, 2023)

Inclusive Investment Opportunities for Unleashing the Power of the Pastoral Sector, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, "Market Analysis for Pastoralists" (January 31, 2023 - February 2, 2023)

West African Study Center (November, 2017)

Maxwell African Scholars Union
346 Eggers Hall