Andrew S. London
Professor, Sociology Department
Associate Dean for Washington Programs, Maxwell in Washington, D.C.
Tenth Decade Faculty Scholar
Faculty Associate, Aging Studies Institute
Research Affiliate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health
Research Affiliate, Center for Policy Research
Research Affiliate, Center for Aging and Policy Studies
- 2025 Spring
- IRP 400 Selected Topics - DC Global Internship
- 2024 Summer
- SOC 600 Selected Topics - Intro to Sociology (ProjAdvanc
- 2024 Spring
- IRP/PAI/PSC 470/670 Experience Credit
- IRP 471 Global Internship
- IRP 400 Selected Topics - DC Global Internship
- 2023 Fall
- IRP 471 Global Internship
- 2023 Summer
- NPA 419 SI Introduction to Sociology
- 2023 Spring
- MAX 201 Quantitative Methods for the Social Sciences
Highest degree earned
Areas of Expertise
Research Interests
Research Grant Awards and Projects
"Center for Aging and Policy Studies", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.
"Syracuse Advancing Cities (SAC)", Sponsored by JPMorgan Chase.
"HIV Identifying Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Barriers with Discrete Choice Experiments", Sponsored by National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS.
"Military Service Status and Financial Capability", Sponsored by JPMorgan Chase.
"Master Agreement", Sponsored by Social Security Administration.
Selected Publications
- Books
- Life-Course Implications of U.S. Public Policies. Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S. (eds.) Routledge, 2021.
- Life-Course Perspectives on Military Service. Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S. (eds.) Routledge, 2013.
- Child Care and Inequality: Re-Thinking Carework for Children and Youth. Cancian, F. M., Kurz, D., London, A. S., Reviere, R. and Tuominen , M. C. (eds.) Routledge, 2002.
- Journal Articles
- Elman, C., O'Rand, A. M. and London, A. S., "Parity and Post-Reproductive Mortality among U.S. Black and White Women: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study." PLOS ONE, 2024.
- Heffernan, K., Wilmoth, J. M. and London, A. S., "Estimated Pulse Wave Velocity is Associated with a Higher Risk of Dementia in the Health and Retirement Study." American Journal of Hypertension, 2024.
- DeBlois, J., London, A. S. and Heffernan, K. S., "Hypertension at the Nexus of Veteran Status, Psychiatric Diagnosis, and Traumatic Brain Injury: Insights from the 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System." PLOS ONE, 2024.
- Heffernan, K. S., Stoner, L., London, A. S., Augustine, J. and Lefferts, W., "Estimated Pulse Wave Velocity as a Measure of Vascular Aging." PLoS ONE, 2023.
- Landes, S. D., Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S. and Landes, A. T., "Risk Factors Explaining Military Deaths from Suicide, 2008-2017: A Latent Class Analysis." Armed Forces & Society, 2023.
- Asiago-Reddy, E. A., McPeak, J., Scarpa, R., Braksmajer, A., Ruszkowski, N., McMahon, J. and London, A. S., "Perceived Access to PrEP as a Critical Step in Engagement: A Qualitative Analysis and Discrete Choice Experiment among Young Men Who Have Sex with Men." PLoS ONE, 2022.
- Heffernan, K. S., Wilmoth, J. M. and London, A. S., "Estimated Pulse Wave Velocity and All-Cause Mortality: Findings From the Health and Retirement Study." Glynn, N. W. (ed.) Innovation in Aging, 2022.
- London, A. S., Landes, S. D., "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the Age Pattern of Adult Mortality." Biodemography and Social Biology, 2022.
- London, A. S., "Depression and Mental Health Service Use among 12–17 Year Old U.S. Adolescents: Associations with Current Parental and Sibling Military Service." SSM - Population Health, 2021.
- Braksmajer, A., London, A. S., ""It's History in the Making All Around Us": Examining COVID-19 through the Lenses of HIV and Epidemic History." Culture, Health & Sexuality, 2021.
- Landes, S. D., London, A. S. and Wilmoth, J. M., "Service-Connected Disability and the Veteran Mortality Disadvantage." Armed Forces & Society, 2021.
- Landes, S. D., London, A. S., "Self-Reported ADHD and Adult Health in the United States." Journal of Attention Disorders, 2021.
- London, A. S., Hoy, A., "Same-Sex Sexuality and the Risk of Divorce: Findings from Two National Studies." Journal of Homosexuality, 2021.
- London, A. S., Wilmoth, J. M., Oliver, W. J. and Hausauer, J. A., "The Influence of Military Service Experiences on Current and Everyday Drinking." Substance Use & Misuse, 2020.
- Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S. and Landes, S. D., "A Population-Based Perspective on Health Care for U.S. Veterans." Kaskie, B. (ed.) Public Policy & Aging Report, 2020.
- Book Chapters
- Schiros, A., London, A. S. and Antshel, K. M., "Gender Differences in Adults with ADHD." In Clinical Handbook of ADHD Assessment and Treatment Across the Lifespan. Springer Nature, 2023.
- London, A. S., Landes, S. D. and Wilmoth, J. M., "Service-Connected Disability and Poverty Among US Veterans." In The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Disability. Oxford University Press, 2023.
- London, A. S., Elliott, C., Wang, R., Wentling, T. and Simpson, N., "Gender Transition and Same-Sex Marriage: A Qualitative Consideration." In The Social Science of Same-Sex Marriage: LGBT People and Their Relationships in the Era of Marriage Equality. Hoy , A. (ed.) Routledge, 2022.
- Wentling, T., Elliott, C., London, A. S., Simpson, N. and Wang, R., ""Every Now and Then I Get Flagged for a Pap Smear": Gender Transition, Embodiment, and "Sex-Specific" Cancer Screenings." In Sexual and Gender Minority Health, Advances in Medical Sociology. LeBlanc , A. J., Perry , B. L. (eds.) Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021.
- Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S., "The Role of the Military in Women's Lives." In Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences. Elsevier, 2021.
- London, A. S., "Marital Status among Transgender Individuals in the US." In The Social Science of Same-Sex Marriage. Routledge, 2021.
- Wilmoth, J. M., London, A. S., "An Introduction to Life-Course Perspectives on Public Policies." In Life-Course Implications of U.S. Public Policies. Routledge, 2021.
- Scott, E. K., London, A. S., "Women's Lives, Welfare's Time Limits." In People at Work. New York University Press, 2020.
- Book Review
- London, A. S., Identity and Sexuality: AIDS in Britain in the 1990s. Health: An Inter-disciplinary Journal for the Study of Health, Illness, and Medicine. , 2000.
- Encyclopedia Entries
- London, A. S., Wilmoth, J. M., ""Military Service" and "G.I. Bill"." In Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development. Carr, D., Crosnoe, R., Hughes, M. E. and Pienta , A. (eds.) Gale, 2008.
- Myers , N., London, A. S., ""Health Care, Access To"." In Science, Technology, and Society: An Encyclopedia. Restivo , S. (ed.) Oxford University Press, 2005.
- Newspaper Articles
- Knox, V., London, A. S. and Scott, E. K., Welfare Reform, Work, and Child Care: The Role of Informal Care in the Lives of Low-Income Women and Children. MDRC, 2003.
- London, A. S., "Effect of Case Management on Unmet Needs and Utilization of Medical Care and Medications among HIV-Infected Persons." Evidence-based Healthcare, 2002.
- Wellin , C., London, A. S., "Second Annual Carework Conference Bridges Scholarship and Policy." Footnotes, 2001.
- Scott, E. K., Edin, K., London, A. S. and Mazelis, J. M., "Welfare Reform and the Work-Family Tradeoffs." Poverty Research News, 2000.
- Technical Reports
- Gennetian, L., Duncan, G. J., Knox, V., Vargas, W., Clark-Kauffman, E. and London, A. S., How Welfare and Work Policies Affect Adolescents: Key Findings from a Synthesis of Eight Experimental Studies. MDRC, 2002.
- Brock, T., Coulton, C., London, A. S., Polit, D., Richburg-Hayes, L., Scott, E., Verma , N., Kwakye, I., Martin, V., Polyne, J. C. and Seith, D., Welfare Reform in Cleveland: Implementation, Effects, and Experiences of Poor Families and Neighborhoods. MDRC, 2002.
- Polit, D. F., Widom, R., Edin, K., Bowie, S., London, A. S., Scott, E. K. and Valenzuela, A., Is Work Enough? The Experiences of Current and Former Welfare Mothers Who Work. MDRC, 2001.
- Polit, D. F., London, A. S. and Martinez, J. M., The Health of Poor Urban Women: Findings from the Project on Devolution and Urban Change. MDRC, 2001.
- Polit, D. F., London, A. S. and Martinez, J. M., Food Security and Hunger in Poor, Mother-Headed Families in Four U.S. Cities. MDRC, 2000.
Presentations and Events
London, A. S., Landes, S. D., The Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, "Cohort Change in the Prevalence of ADHD among U.S. Adults: Evidence of a Sex/Gender-Specific Period Effect" (August 12, 2019)
Landes, S. D., London, A. S., Wilmoth, J. M., The Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, "Service-Connected Disability and the Veteran Mortality Disadvantage" (August 11, 2018)
London, A. S., Hoy, A. M., The Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, "The Timing of Men’s and Women’s Same-Sex Sexual Behavior and Different-Sex Marital Outcomes" (August 11, 2018)
Lutz, A. C., London, A. S., The Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, "The Influence of Early-High School Plans to Enlist on Post High School Enlistment" (February 23, 2018)
London, A. S., Yera, T., The Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, "The Influence of Own and Spouse’s Veteran Status on Smoking" (February 23, 2018)