Rothbart, Schwartz article on financial implications of public quality disclosure published in PFR
Baltagi article on health care expenditure published in Health Economics
Wang article on fixed-k asymptotic inference About tail properties published in JASA
Rosenthal article on homeownership, housing capital gains and self-employment published in JUE
See related: Housing
Baltagi article on asymptotic power of the sphericity test published in Econometric Reviews
Lee article on adaptive elastic net GMM estimation published in Jour of Business & Econ Statistics
Flores-Lagunes article on finite sample evidence of IV estimators published in JAE
Baltagi large factor model with structural instability article published in Journal of Econometrics
Baldagi article on imperfect competitive loans in Africa published in Oxford BES
Rosenthal report on housing stock transitions published by Research Institute for Housing America
See related: Housing
The Political Economy of Trade Policy: Theory, Evidence and Applications
Spatial Econometrics: Qualitative and Limited Dependent Variables: Volume 37
Schwartz article on the spillover effects of mid-year entry on student achievement published in EEPA
Rosenthal article on housing price bubbles, new supply, and within-city dynamics published in JUE
See related: Housing
Rothbart study on middle school bullying, safety and belonging published in AERJ
See related: Education
Rothenberg article on skill transferability, migration and development published in AER
Lee paper on social tension from income class segregation published in Jour of Business & Econ Stats
Schwartz analysis on housing choice voucher recipients and good schools published in JPAM
See related: Housing
Schwartz article on the causal effect of moving schools on student performance
Schwartz paper on neighborhoods schools and obesity published in PLOS ONE
See related: Health Policy, Longevity