Shana Kushner Gadarian
Professor, Political Science Department
Associate Dean for Research, Maxwell School
Merle Goldberg Fabian Professor of Excellence in Citizenship and Critical Thinking
Senior Research Associate, Campbell Public Affairs Institute
Research Affiliate, Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health
Research Affiliate, Center for Policy Research
- 2024 Fall
- MAX 201 Quantitative Methods for the Social Sciences
- 2023 Fall
- MAX 201 Quantitative Methods for the Social Sciences
Highest degree earned
Areas of Expertise
Research Interests
Research Grant Awards and Projects
"Pandemic Politics: How COVID-19 Revealed the Depths of Partisan Polarization", Sponsored by Carnegie Corporation of New York.
"Partisanship, Outgroup Prejudice, and Public Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic", Sponsored by Russell Sage Foundation.
"Disruption, Social Capital and Resilience: A Longitudinal and Comparative Approach", Sponsored by Institute for Social Research.
Selected Publications
- Books
- Gadarian, S. K., Goodman, S. W. and Pepsinky, T. B., Pandemic Politics: The Deadly Toll of Partisanship in the Age of COVID. Princeton University Press, 2022.
- Gadarian, S. K., Anxious Politics: Democratic Citizenship in a Threatening World. Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- Journal Articles
- Burton, C. D., Gadarian, S. K., Goodman, S. W. and Pepinsky, T. B., "The Politics of the Gender Gap in COVID-19: Partisanship, Health Behavior, and Policy Preferences in the US." Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, 2024.
- Gadarian, S. K., Goodman, S. W. and Pepsinky, T. B., "Trump Support Explains COVID-19 Health Behaviors in the United States." Public Opinion Quarterly, 2024.
- Gadarian, S. K., Goodman, S. W. and Pepsinky, T. B., "Anti-Immigrant Attitudes and Support for COVID-19 Border Restrictions in the United States." Political Science Research and Methods, 2023.
- Gadarian, S. K., Strother, L., "Public Perceptions of the Supreme Court: How Policy Disagreement Affects Legitimacy." PLOS-One, 2023.
- Crowder-Meyer, M., Gadarian, S. and Trounstine, J., "Ranking Candidates in Local Elections: Neither Panacea nor Catastrophe for Candidates of Color." Journal of Experimental Political Science, 2023.
- Rodriguez, C. G., Gadarian, S., Goodman, S. W. and Pepinsky, T. B., "Morbid Polarization: Exposure to COVID19 and Partisan Disagreement about Pandemic Response." Political Psychology, 2022.
- Gadarian, S. K., Goodman, S. W., Michener, J., Nyhan, B. and Pepsinky, T., "Same-Race/Ethnicity Experts Online Does Not Increase Vaccine Interest or Intention to Vaccinate." Millbank Quarterly, 2022.
- Gadarian, S. K., "Online Hate and Zeitgeist of Fear: A Five-Country Longitudinal Analysis of Hate Exposure and Fear of Terrorism After the Paris Terrorist Attacks in 2015." Political Psychology, 2021.
- Gadarian, S. K., Kaakisen, M., Johnsen, K. S., Enjolras, B., Solheim, O. B., Herros, F., Winsvold, M. S. and Okansen, A., "Online hate and Zeitgeist of fear: a five-country longitudinal analysis of hate exposure and fear of terrorism after the Paris terrorist attacks in 2015." Political Psychology, 2021.
- Gadarian, S. K., Goodman, S. W. and Pepsinky, T. B., "Partisan Endorsement Experiments Do Not Affect Mass Opinion on COVID-19." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 2021.
- Gadarian, S. K., Goodman, S. W. and Pepsinky, T. B., "Partisanship, Health Behaviors, and Policy Attitudes in the Early Stages of the COVID 19 Pandemic." PLOS-One, 2021.
- Makkonen, A., Okansen, A., Gadarian, S. K., Herreros, F., Winsvold, M. S., Solheim, O. B., Enjolras, B. and Johnsen, K. S., Fear-Triggering Effects of Terrorism Threats: Cross-country Comparison in a Terrorism News Scenario Experiment. Personality and Individual Differences. , 2020.
- Crowder-Meyer, M., Gadarian, S., Trounstine, J. and Vue, K., "A Different Kind of Disadvantage: Candidate Race, Cognitive Complexity, and Voter Choice." Political Behavior, 2020.
- Book Chapters
- Gadarian, S. K., Brader, T., "Emotions and Political Psychology." In Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology. Huddy, L., Sears, D., Levy, J. and Jerit, J. (eds.) Oxford University Press, 2023.
- Albertson, b., Dun, L. and Gadarian, S. K., "Emotion and political persuasion." In Oxford Handbook of Electoral Persuasion. Oxford University Press, 2019.
- Enjolras, B., Gadarian, S. K. and Johnsen, K. S., "Social media use and fear levels after the Paris 2015 attacks. A comparative study." In Overcoming Intractable Conflicts. Roman and Littlefield Press, 2019.
- Albertson, B., Gadarian, S. K., "Emotion and Foreign Policy in the Trump Age." Bethany Albertson, 2017.
- Albertson, B., Cramer, K. and Gadarian, S. K., "Forum on The Politics of Resentment: Rural Consciousness in Wisconsin and the Rise of Scott Walker." Political Psychology, 2017.
- Albertson, B., Gadarian, S. K., "Anxiety Over Terrorism Advantages Hillary Clinton." Political Communication, 2016.
- Gadarian, S. K., "Going to War in Iraq: When Citizens and the Press Matter." Political Science Quarterly, 2016.
- Book Review
- Gadarian, S. K., "The Anger Gap: How Race Shapes Emotion in Politics." Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics, 2020.
- Technical Report
- Gadarian, S., Van Bavel, J., Knowles, E. and Ruggeri, K., Political Polarization Harms Public Health. Syracuse University Libraries, 2024.
Presentations and Events
University-Wisconsin-Milwaukee (April, 2024)
Kent State University (November, 2023)
COVID19 & Policy: Looking Backward & Looking Forward, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Maxwell School, Campbell Public Affairs Institute (May 19, 2023)
Princeton University (April, 2023)
Roper Center (April, 2023)
Rutgers University (March, 2023)
Northwestern University (March, 2023)
University of IL-Chicago (January, 2023)
Brigham Young University (October, 2022)
University of Texas-Tyler (May, 2022)
University of California-Berkeley (April, 2022)
Marshall University (March, 2022)
Harvard University (February, 2022)
Bucknell University (February, 2022)
University of Wisconsin (November, 2021)
Syracuse University, Center for Policy Studies (September, 2021)
National Center for the Humanities (September, 2021)
Dartmouth College (April, 2021)
Princeton University, CSDP (February, 2021)
American University (November, 2020)
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (October, 2020)
University of Amsterdam, Hot Politics Lab (April, 2020)
Cornell University (February, 2020)
American Political Science Association (2020)
American Political Science Association (2020)
Honors and Accolades
Best Books of 2023, Foreign Affairs (2023)
Andrew Carnegie Fellow, Carnegie Corporation of New York (2021 - 2023)
Doris Graber award, APSA (Political communication section) (2021)
Neal Tate Award, Southern Political Science Association Annual (2018 - 2018)
Best Paper Award, MPSA (2017)