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Farhana Sultana

Farhana Sultana

Contact Information:


144 Eggers Hall


  • 2024 Fall
    • ESP 410 Environment, Sustainability and Policy Capstone Seminar
    • GEO 422/622 Water: Environment, Society and Politics
  • 2024 Spring
    • GEO 336 Climate Justice
    • GEO 499 Honors Capstone Project
    • GEO 602 Research Design in Geography
  • 2023 Fall
    • ANT/GEO/WGS 367 Gender in a Globalizing World
    • GEO 755 Seminar in Political Ecology
  • 2023 Spring
    • GEO 336 Climate Justice
    • GEO 602 Research Design in Geography

Highest degree earned

Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2007


Farhana Sultana is an internationally recognized interdisciplinary scholar of political ecology, water governance, climate justice, development, sustainability, citizenship, human rights, transnational feminism and decolonization. Learn more:

Areas of Expertise

Political ecology, international development, water governance, climate change, environmental justice, sustainability, citizenship, human rights, decolonizing, transnational feminisms, South Asia

Research Grant Awards and Projects

"International Center for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)", Sponsored by Independent University Bangladesh.

"Visiting Fellow", Sponsored by School of Environment and Development, University of Manchester.

"MacArthur Collaborative Fellowship", Sponsored by International Water Management Institute (IWMI).

"MacArthur Graduate Scholars Fellowship", Sponsored by University of Minnesota.

"Graduate School Fellowship", Sponsored by University of Minnesota.

"Democratizing Water", Sponsored by The Claire Friedlander Family Foundation, USA .

"Ways of Repair", Sponsored by Open Society Foundations.

"Race, Space and the Environment", Sponsored by Hendricks Chapel, PARCC, Newhouse (SU); John Ben Snow Foundation, Reisman Foundation, USA .

"Building a Community of Practice for Household Water Insecurity (HWISE) Research Coordination Network ", Sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), USA .

Selected Publications

Presentations and Events

Workshop of the Department of Geography and the Environment, Maxwell School, "Geographers Confront the Climate Crisis: Science, Policy, and Power" (November 30, 2023)

Social movements in the climate crisis: an encounter of perspectives, University of Insubria, Italy, "Cultivating care-full Climate Revolutions" (November 29, 2023)

University of Illinois, USA, "From Climate Coloniality to Climate Revolutions" (November 8, 2023)

Symposium on New Directions in Bangladesh Studies, University of Wisconsin Madison, "Contested Urban Hydro Citizenship in Dhaka" (October 18, 2023)

University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA, "Sustainability, Decoloniality, Interdisciplinarity" (October 10, 2023 - October 12, 2023)

Annual Conference of the Collaborative Research Centre Structural Change of Property, University of Erfurt, Germany, "Rethinking property relations in climate coloniality" (October 4, 2023 - October 6, 2023)

Political Education Teach-in Series, South Feminist Futures, "What is Climate Coloniality?" (October 4, 2023)

Pathways Forum, Future Earth, France, "Whose Sustainability? Unpacking decolonization in sustainability science" (September 27, 2023)

Conversations in Conflict Studies, PARCC, Maxwell School, "From Climate Coloniality to Climate Revolutions" (September 14, 2023)

Perspectives in Global Development Seminar Series, Cornell University, Global Development Program, USA, "From Climate Coloniality to Climate Revolutions" (September 13, 2023)

Environmental Politics from the Margins: Co-creating Multispecies-Just Futures, Political Studies Association, UK, "Climate Coloniality" (September 1, 2023)

Resilience in the Anthropocene Summit, Loka Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, "The Pain We Carry; How Race, Gender, Class and Globalization intersect on Ecoanxiety and Climate Distress" (August 8, 2023 - August 10, 2023)

Expert Group Meeting: Progress of the World’s Women: Conceptualizing Feminist Climate Justice, United Nations Woman, UN Women, USA, "Conceptualizing Feminist Climate Justice" (July 11, 2023 - June 12, 2023)

Sydney Environmental Institute, University of Sydney, "Grounded Conversations" (May 30, 2023)

Beyond Growth 2023 Conference: Pathways towards Sustainable Prosperity in the EU, European Parliament, "Understanding the biophysical limits to growth to build an economy that respects planetary boundaries" (May 16, 2023)

International Conference of the Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies (ZtG), Humboldt Universität, Germany, "Feminists Decolonizing Climate Politics" (May 4, 2023)

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, "Confronting Climate Coloniality" (March 23, 2023 - March 27, 2023)

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, "Doing Public Geography" (March 23, 2023 - March 27, 2023)

Climate Action Task Force Plenary Lecture, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, "Just Geographies of Academic Mobilities" (March 23, 2023 - March 27, 2023)

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, "Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility " (March 23, 2023 - March 27, 2023)

Science & Technology in Asia seminar series, Harvard University, USA, "Confronting Climate Coloniality" (March 14, 2023)

Book Seminar, Ashoka University, India, "Slow Disaster: Political Ecology of Hazards and Everyday Life in the Brahmaputra Valley, Assam" (February 10, 2023)

19th Conference on Cultural Geographies/ Neue Kulturgeographie (NKG), Martin Luther University, Germany, "Decolonizing Climate Coloniality and the Importance of Cultural Praxis" (January 26, 2023)

Institute for Research on Women (IRW) Distinguished Lecture Series, Rutgers University, "The Future of the Environment" (November 11, 2021)

Environmental Studies Seminar Series, Colby College, "Climate Justice in a World of Crises" (October 29, 2021)

Radical Climate Justice for the Global Commons, University of California Center for Climate Justice, "Feminist climate justice in a world of crises" (October 4, 2021 - October 25, 2021)

49th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, "Fifty Years in the Making: Decolonizing Bangladesh Studies" (October 20, 2021 - October 24, 2021)

49th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, "Fifty Years in the Making: Decolonizing Bangladesh Studies" (October 20, 2021 - October 24, 2021)

Annual Presidential Sustainability Lecture, SUNY Geneseo, "Sustainability in a Time of Climate Crisis" (October 6, 2021)

College and University Fund for the Social Sciences Conference, Social Science Research Council (SSRC), "Reckoning with Research Methods and Ethics" (October 4, 2021)

Climate Change, Justice, and Health Series, Loyola Marymount University, "Feminist climate justice in a world of crises" (September 23, 2021)

Annual Environmental Security Summit, National Intelligence University (NIU) and Environmental Security Working Group (ESWG), "Critical Climate Justice" (September 15, 2021)

Climate Change Research Group (CCRG) Annual General Meeting, Royal Geographical Society, "Climate Change in Geographical Research" (September 6, 2021)

HWISE NOW Virtual Coffee Hour, NSF, "Household Water Insecurity and Climate Disruptions" (July 27, 2021)

Speaker Series of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Board, "Critical Climate Justice" (July 14, 2021)

IV Tarragona International Environmental Law Colloquium, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, "Climate Change, COVID-19 and the Co-production of Injustices" (June 15, 2021)

Consultation on Equity and Inclusion in the Context of Climate Change & Migration, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, US State Department, "Equity and Inclusion in Climate Change & Migration" (June 2, 2021)

CLARE Programme Stakeholder Workshop, KIT Royal Tropical Institute (Netherlands) and International Development Research Centre (IDRC), "Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Integration in Research on Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience" (May 19, 2021)

Virtual Symposium, Rhodes University School of Journalism and Media Studies with Syracuse University Newhouse School of Journalism, "Race, Space and the Environment" (April 23, 2021)

Center for Environmental Justice & Colorado Water Center, "Whose Water is it? Environmental Justice and Water Privatization" (April 19, 2021)

Induction Ceremony of the Gamma Theta Upsilon Geographical Honor Society, Hofstra University, "Why Geography Matters" (April 12, 2021)

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, "More than Mentoring: Towards A More Equitable and Just Geography" (April 4, 2021 - April 7, 2021)

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, "Urban Climate Justice Futures" (April 4, 2021 - April 7, 2021)

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, "Water Politics" (April 4, 2021 - April 7, 2021)

UNEP Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP), Global Environment Facility (GEF), "How the Science of Behavioral Change and the Social Sciences Can Help the GEF to Deliver its Objectives" (March 25, 2021 - March 26, 2021)

UNEP Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP), Global Environment Facility (GEF), "GEF-8 Replenishment: Behavioral Change" (February 8, 2021)

Amsterdam Centre for European Studies, University of Amsterdam, "Decolonising Europe in International Politics" (December 2, 2020)

Yale School of the Environment Community Conversations, Yale University, "Ethics and Politics of International Field Research" (December 2, 2020)

New Zealand Geographical Society Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, "Climate Change, COVID-19 and the Co-production of Injustices: A Feminist Reading of Overlapping Crises" (November 26, 2020)

World Summit AI, Inspired Minds, "Ten Years to 2030 - What is The Global Starting Point for the Climate Countdown?" (November 24, 2020)

Transregional Planning Grants Development Workshop Series, Social Science Research Council (SSRC), "Ethics and Praxis of Collaboration in Environmental Research And Beyond" (November 16, 2020)

paper presented at ‘Urban Climate Change Planning in Asian Cities: Lessons from the Field’, Annual Meetings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), "Drowned out: Climate injustices in Dhaka, Bangladesh" (November 8, 2020)

Supporting Women in Geography (SWIG), Geography Department, "Networking as feminist scholars" (November 3, 2020)

Fourth Annual Distinguished Hopke Lecture, Institute for Sustainable Environment, Clarkson University, "Global Water Crises and How We Can Envision Just & Sustainable Futures" (October 28, 2020)

Center for Climate Justice, Glasgow Caledonian University, "Intersectionality and Climate justice: Towards an Emancipatory Climate Research Agenda" (September 30, 2020)

Decolonizing Political Ecology Workshop, POLLEN Conference, "Is Your Political Ecology ‘Decolonial’?" (September 21, 2020)

Planning Workshop of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS), "Addressing the Climate Crisis" (June 25, 2020)

Climate Change and Urban Violence Global Engagement Network (CCUVN), Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi Urban Lab, "Climate Change, Cities and Violence in the Time of Covid- 19: Perspectives from South Asia" (June 24, 2020)

School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford University, "Digitising Anti-Racist & Anti-Imperialist Teaching Amidst COVID-19" (April 20, 2020)

Environmental Humanities Lecture, Princeton University (April 12, 2020)

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, "Climate Justice and Intersectionality: Exploring New Directions in Geographical Climate Justice Research" (April 6, 2020 - April 10, 2020)

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, "Towards New Feminist Political Ecologies of Urban Infrastructure & Urban Environments" (April 6, 2020 - April 10, 2020)

"Urban Climate Justice Futures" (April 6, 2020 - April 10, 2020)

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, "Water Politics: Governance, Justice and the Right to Water" (April 6, 2020 - April 10, 2020)

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, "Water Politics" (April 4, 2020 - April 8, 2020)

Honors and Accolades

Elevate the Discipline Fellow, American Association of Geographers (2023)

Mellon Foundation Faculty Fellow, University of Massachusetts at Amherst (2023)

Glenda Laws Award, American Association of Geographers (2019)

Co-Curricular Award, College of Arts and Sciences, Syracuse University (2018)

Geneva Actions on Human Water Security (2017)