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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Excerpt of Lasch-Quinn's Ars Vitae Published in Montréal Review

An excerpt of "Ars Vitae: The Fate of Inwardness and the Return of the Ancient Arts of Living” (Notre Dame Press, 2020), written by Professor of History Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn, was published in The Montréal Review
November 23, 2021

See related: Europe

Four Maxwell Alumni Named NAPA Fellows

U.S Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux, Nuria Esparch, Amma Felix and Shiro Gnanaselvam are among 39 public administration leaders who have been named 2021 National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) Fellows.
November 19, 2021

See related: Awards & Honors

Monnat Quoted in BBC Article on US Drug Overdose Deaths

Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology, is quoted in the BBC article, "US annual drug overdose deaths hit record levels."
November 18, 2021

Williams Talks to BBC Newshour About Russian Cybercriminals

Associate Professor Michael John Williams is interviewed by BBC Newshour "Cybersecurity: wanted criminals living freely in Russia," beginning at 7:56.
November 18, 2021

See related: Data Privacy, Russia

Griffiths explains how aspiring nations go about winning sovereignty

What is the strategy of secession and how do tactics vary by the kind of independence movement? In his new book, “Secession and the Sovereignty Game: Strategy and Tactics for Aspiring Nations” (Cornell University Press, 2021), Maxwell School faculty member Ryan Griffiths argues that the rules and informal practices regarding state recognition create a strategic playing field between existing states and aspiring nations.
November 17, 2021

Lovely Discusses the Upcoming Biden-Xi Virtual Summit on Bloomberg TV

Watch the full interview with Professor Mary Lovely, beginning at 5:38, via Bloomberg TV.
November 15, 2021

See related: China, United States

Van Slyke Weighs in on Biden's Infrastructure Plan in Associated Press

Dean David M. Van Slyke shared his views on the infrastructure bill in the Associated Press article, "Biden’s $1T infrastructure bill historic, not transformative."
November 15, 2021

Alum Nick Armstrong Uses Data to Help Veterans Achieve Their Goals

Nick Armstrong '08 M.P.A./'14 Ph.D. (SSc) directs IVMF’s multi-disciplinary team of applied social scientists, evaluators, and data engineers to crunch the numbers and conduct applied research that empower government, industry and philanthropic decision making on veteran- and family-related issues.
November 15, 2021

See related: United States, Veterans

Heflin Quoted in Associated Press Article on Food Insecurity Among Military Families

Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs, is quoted in the Associated Press article, "Thousands of military families struggle with food insecurity."
November 15, 2021

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