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Huber’s “Climate Change as Class War” Reviewed by Real Change News

July 7, 2022

Real Change News

Matt Huber

Matthew T. Huber

"Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet" (Verso Books, 2022), written by Professor Matthew Huber, was reviewed by Real Change News. 

"Instead of preaching personal austerity, which he argues wouldn’t be enough to solve climate change even if it were adopted wholesale, he thinks we should be looking at things systemically," writes Tobias Coughlin-Bogue. "Interestingly, Huber doesn’t go in for any cheap shots against the greedy capitalist overlords... Instead, he points out that the fundamental logic of capitalism—the 'accumulation drive for surplus value'—is a feature of the system sustained by relatively impartial laws of competition and cost." 

Read the full review: "Awareness alone won’t stop climate change — but what can?"

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