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Landes talks to CBS about COVID-19 reporting of people with IDD

March 11, 2021

CBS News

Scott Landes

Scott D. Landes

Scott Landes, associate professor of sociology and co-author of a recent study that found that those with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) living in group homes may be more likely to die from COVID-19, says the pandemic has exposed shortcomings in the medical community "as we've made decisions on who we collect data on, what we report, who we emphasize, who gets prioritization."

"I think on a philosophical, underlying level, it's because we have failed to value this group," he says. "There has not been a consistent or systematic reporting of COVID-19 outcomes for people with intellectual and developmental disability," Landes says. "We know of some states that have data that are not reporting it publicly." Read more in the CBS News article, "COVID cases in New York group homes under scrutiny after nursing home controversy." 

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