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Reeher Discusses President Biden’s Withdrawal, Kamala Harris With Newsweek, Spectrum and WAER

July 25, 2024

Newsweek,Spectrum News,WAER

Grant Reeher

Grant Reeher

On Sunday, President Biden announced he was quitting the race after facing pressure in the aftermath of his debate with Trump in late June, when his poor performance magnified concerns about his age and fitness for office. In his letter on social media, Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Harris will likely reinvigorate the energy and enthusiasm behind the campaign—one can feel that already,” Grant Reeher, professor of political science, tells Newsweek. “The early fundraising is a good sign for her.”

Harris would make history as the country's first Black and South Asian woman to top a major party's ticket if she secures the Democratic nomination. She's “a historically significant candidate,” Reeher says.

In the Spectrum News article, “Experts say comparisons between 1968 and 2024 presidential races require heavy dose of context,” Reeher says, “Electioneering, and campaigning, and television advertising is completely different, the internet wasn’t a factor back then, so its really like trying to compare Venus and Mars.”

In the article, “SU Professor: Biden's departure presents opportunities for both Democrats and Republicans,” Reeher tells WAER, “Enthusiasm for Biden was definitely waning. I mean that you could just feel it. You could see it in in the people surrounding him. It was a sinking ship. And people were beginning to act accordingly. This is a new chance.”

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