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In the News: Grant Reeher

Reeher quoted in Press-Republican article on NY, Trump's tax returns

Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, says that Governor Cuomo's signing of new legislation that allows Congressional committees to acquire President Trump's New York tax filings "represents a new escalation in the level of political polarization that we're seeing."

July 11, 2019

Reeher comments on Jordan's proposed gun legislation in Jerusalem Post

Grant Reeher was interviewed for the Jerusalem Post article "Jordan Pushes Bill to Limit Firearm Ownership." "It does seem that the media coverage of the mass shootings in the US does inform some of the thinking and the responses of leaders elsewhere when they have a mass shooting incident in their own country," Reeher said. They do not want to become "like the US" in this regard.
July 8, 2019

Reeher weighs in on Gillibrand's legislative victories in PolitiFact

According to Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, it can be difficult to measure how much a lawmaker worked behind the scenes to advance legislation, because the paper trail isn’t always clear.

June 25, 2019

Reeher weighs in on possible 4th term for Governor Cuomo in Daily Star

Governor Cuomo could be facing "the fatigue factor," with more voters now looking to "change the dialogue and change the players" at the statehouse, says Grant Reeher, professor of political science.
June 12, 2019

Reeher comments on upcoming Democratic debates in The Hill

"It sets up an incentive for candidates to get some attention by throwing out something that will get the media’s attention,” Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher says about the crowded Democratic field. 

June 10, 2019

Reeher comments on crowded Democratic 2020 debate stage in TIME

Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, says that while too crowded a field leads to a lack of meaningful conversation, restricting the debate stage too extensively is also not ideal because it creates "a self-fulfilling prophecy" in which dark horse candidates never get the chance to emerge.

June 3, 2019

Reeher weighs in on Pelosi's comments about Trump in The Hill

"I don’t think this kind of rhetoric is helping," says Grant Reeher. "If you think the Democrats’ chances are better with a more moderate centrist candidate, just say that. Instead, everything is about Trump." Reeher was interviewed for The Hill article "The Memo: Pelosi's 'tone-deaf' remarks raise ire of Team Trump."
May 7, 2019

Reeher discusses Trump, 2020 election, border crisis in The Hill

“He is deeply dug in on this,” said Grant Reeher, professor of political science, about President Trump's immigration policy. “There are things that candidates and office-holders are particularly known for and they stake their identities on. He is clearly one of them, on this issue.”

May 2, 2019

Reeher weighs in on state abortion laws in TIME

Grant Reeher discusses the state politics behind abortion access in the TIme article, "Trump Keeps Talking About Second-Trimester Abortions. Here's What He Gets Wrong." As efforts heat up to ban abortion on a national level, blue states are looking to strengthen their abortion laws, while red states are attemtping to dismantle them. Reeher says these restrive efforts are meant "to be tested in courts."

April 30, 2019

Reeher comments on Assange extradition, Democrats in Boston Herald

"The longer the Democrats stay on this [Julian Assange's extradition], the more it’s helping the president [Donald Trump]," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute.

April 12, 2019

Reeher speaks with TIME about John Delaney's policy suggestions

On presidential candidate John Delaney's suggestion that if elected, he would debate Congress four times a year, Professor Grant Reeher opines: "I can see that this is an effort to change the political culture by requiring direct engagement, but the participants have to agree to take the exercise at face value, in front of TV cameras, and the political disincentives against doing that right now are strong."

April 3, 2019

Universidad Panamericana students spend week in DC with Reeher

“The UPA program in Washington is a great two-way learning experience,” said Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute. “I easily learn as much from the participants as they glean from me.”

April 3, 2019

Reeher weighs in on Elizabeth Warren's campaign strategy in TIME

 "When you put out things that people can get behind, you also put out things that people can criticize," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, about Senator Warren's campaign strategy to release detailed policy positions early on in the primary cycle.

March 25, 2019

Reeher weighs in on Pelosi's comments about impeachment in The Hill

"It’s a discussion between some of the Democrats who may have a better sense of strategic thinking about the election and the ones who think there are good reasons to be going forward with impeachment, [for whom] it’s the principle of the thing," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute.

March 14, 2019

Reeher weighs in on Bloomberg run in 2020 in The Hill

"There still isn’t clarity on what is the best way for the Democratic Party to position itself to face Republicans generally and Donald Trump specifically," says Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher, adding that there are good arguments to be made on both sides. "I still don’t think it’s clear. And Bloomberg himself is unclear."

November 28, 2018

Reeher quoted in Democrat & Chronicle article on House Dems, Trump

"If there are going to be deals between the House of Representatives and the president, one of the main places will be in the budget, so the appropriations committee will have a big role," says Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher.

November 16, 2018

Reeher discusses impact of Dems winning NY State Senate in Associated Press

Democratic lawmakers, Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher says, "have already made pledges to constituents about what their agenda will be. Now it’s real. I think the governor is going to be put in the position of applying the brakes on some of these things." 

November 8, 2018

Reeher discusses NY midterm elections with regional media outlets

"If there was a year in which I'd be suspicious of polling numbers, this would be it,” Grant Reeher, professor of political science, tells CNY Central. "The reason is that the models of likely voters have to come from somewhere, and usually they use previous midterms. 2018 is nothing like 2014." 

November 6, 2018

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