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In the News: Shannon Monnat

Monnat quoted in BuzzFeed article on increase in US life expectancy

"While life expectancy has continued to improve in large highly educated urban hubs, life expectancy declines have been much more pronounced in former industrial cities, much of Appalachia, and in many small towns and cities across America’s heartland," says Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.

January 30, 2020

Maxwell team wins grant from Department of Justice for opioid study

A group comprised of four researchers — representing the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and the Maxwell X Lab — will receive approximately $500,000 over three years in support of their research on different opioid court treatment interventions across New York State. 

January 28, 2020

See related: Grant Awards, Opioids

Monnat study on opioids cited in CityLab article

While the urban opioid crisis is a crisis of heroin and illegal drugs, the rural opioid crisis of prescription drugs is largely a story of growing spatial inequality and of places left behind, most often occurring in places that tend to have a declining industrial base, finds a study co-authored by Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.

December 12, 2019

Monnat takes part in White House roundtable aimed at reducing opioid overdoses

“Many people who misuse opioids are also misusing other substances, and a common driver of this is self-medicating,” says Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, whose research examines the connections between social disadvantage, place, public policy and health.

November 15, 2019

Results from the SU Health & Wellness Goal Survey

Shannon M. Monnat, Mary Katherine A. Lee, Ashley Van Slyke, Alexandra Punch

This research brief summarizes the top ranked goals, including increasing physical activity, improving diet and nutrition, and better managing stress. There were interesting differences in goals across SU roles, sexes, and racial/ethnic groups.

November 5, 2019

Monnat study on fatal opioid overdoses published in Rural Sociology

David J. Peters, Shannon M. Monnat, Andrew L. Hochstetler & Mark T. Berg
October 29, 2019

Sociologists Montez and Monnat earn NIH grants

Maxwell School sociology faculty members lead research teams that were recently awarded R24 grants from the National Institute on Aging, a division of the National Institutes of Health. Jennifer Karas Montez, professor of sociology, is a co-principal investigator, and Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, is a co-investigator on the first of these highly competitive five-year grants.
October 11, 2019

Understanding Opioid Users' Views on Fentanyl could help Reduce Overdoses

Kate McLean, Khary K. Rigg, Glenn Sterner, Ashton Verdery, Shannon M. Monnat

This research brief summarizes the findings from their research conducted in southwestern Pennsylvania in 2017 and 2018.

July 16, 2019

Monnat study using census data to understand differences in drug mortality published in AJPH

Shannon M. Monnat, David J. Peters, Mark T. Berg & and Andrew Hochstetler
July 2, 2019

Monnat publishes study on impact of economic factors on opioid crisis

Shannon M. Monnat, David J. Peters, Mark T. Berg & Andrew Hochstetler
June 25, 2019

There are Multiple and Geographically Distinct Opioid Crises in the U.S.

Shannon M. Monnat

This research brief summarizes the findings from a study just published in the American Journal of Public Health. The study shows that there are at least four geographically distinct opioid overdose crises in the U.S.

June 24, 2019

Monnat study on opioid misuse initiation published in Journal of Addictive Diseases

Khary K. Rigg, Katherine McLean, Shannon M. Monnat, Glenn E Sterner III & Ashton M. Verdery
May 15, 2019

The Stories behind the Struggle: A Closer Look at First Experiences with Opioid Misuse

Khary K. Rigg, Shannon M. Monnat, Katherine McLean, Ashton Verdery, Glenn Sterner

This research brief dives into the stories behind opioid use initiation and provides intervention strategies.

May 14, 2019

Monnat quoted in PolitiFact article on Andrew Yang, life expectancy

According to Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, the recent decline in life expectancy "is due almost entirely" to increases in overdoses and suicides. "Although the declines are small, they are unprecedented, and they are signals that there is a serious well-being crisis in the U.S."

April 4, 2019

Incentivizing Participation in Diabetes Self-Management Education with Fruit & Vegetable Vouchers

Angie Mejia, Mary Katherine A. Lee, Shannon M. Monnat

This research brief describes the results of a 12-month, diabetes self-management education and fruit and vegetable purchase assistance intervention designed to improve diabetes self-management knowledge and health outcomes among adults diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

April 2, 2019

Monnat discusses mental health crisis in Yates County schools on WSKG

Children today face three serious mental health crises: death from drugs, alcohol and suicide, says Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion. "They’re much bigger societal issues that need to be addressed quickly or they’re going to manifest into something much more serious and then we’re going to be in big trouble not just now but decades to come."

March 8, 2019

Monnat discusses opioid crisis, Trump's national emergency on WSKG

"Opioids are far more deadly than any drugs that are entering through the U.S.-Mexico border,” says Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.

February 25, 2019

Monnat featured in CityLab article on geography of the opioid crisis

Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, argues that in both rural and urban communities, two key factors—economic distress and supply of opioids—predict the rate of opioid deaths. "I really do want to push back against this cliché that addiction does not discriminate," Monnat says. "The physiological processes that underlie addiction themselves may not discriminate, but the factors that put people in communities at higher risk are are not spatially random."

February 14, 2019

Monnat quoted in US News article on the opioid epidemic

"Opioids are a symptom and a symbol of far deeper issues in the U.S.," says Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion. She points to deteriorating economic conditions, a lack of investment in schools, a quick-fix culture and a toxic mix of "pain, despair, disconnection and lack of opportunity" as upstream problems that have fed into the nation's current drug crisis.

January 29, 2019

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