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In the News: Steven White

White Comments on Kari Lake Campaigning Under a Confederate Flag in Arizona Republic Article

“As a candidate, she’s not someone who’s really made an effort to go to the center. She’s really tied more to the Trump style of right-wing politics," says Steven White, associate professor of political science. "My sense is this kind of thing helps her appeal to a certain part of the base maybe, but probably is not great for swing voters.”

June 17, 2024

Maxwell School Announces 2023 Faculty Promotions

Six faculty members were granted tenure and promoted to associate professor and three were promoted to professor.

July 31, 2023

White Discusses His Research on History of Racial Inequality in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education

“We sort of show at least some suggestive survey evidence that talking to people very explicitly and straightforwardly about these historical reasons why inequality persists can at least at the margins make people more open to thinking about race in a more structural way [and] taking inequality seriously,” says Steven White, assistant professor of political science.

March 27, 2023

Historical Information and Beliefs about Racial Inequality

Steven White, Albert H. Fang

"Historical information and beliefs about racial inequality," co-authored by Assistant Professor of Political Science Steven White was published in Policies, Groups, and Identities.

August 12, 2022

White Study on Exposure to Historical Information on Racial Inequality Featured in NBC News Article

"Historical information and beliefs about racial inequality," co-authored by Assistant Professor of Political Science Steven White, was featured in the NBC News article, "Teachers say in new survey they’re being told not to talk about racism and race."

August 12, 2022

White comments on Georgia runoff election in The 74, La Tercera

"Senators who are willing to vote with the other side will certainly find themselves getting a lot of attention and likely very favorable treatment of any issues that disproportionately affect their states," Assistant Professor of Political Science Steven White told The 74. He also spoke to La Tercera about the runoff election in Georgia. 
January 6, 2021

White quoted in Patch article on police unions

Steven White, assistant professor of political science, says one reason it's so hard to fire a police officer, even one who appears to have broken the law, is because there are so many opportunities for the officers and their unions to appeal. "It's not surprising that police unions want it to be harder to punish officers," White added.

November 20, 2020

See related: Labor, United States

White discusses the importance of Georgia runoff elections in The Nation

Assistant Professor of Political Science Steven White notes, "If Democrats win the two Senate races in Georgia, their odds of being able to pass the legislation in their platform [go] up dramatically."

November 9, 2020

White quoted in Agence France Press article on rethinking race in American history

"I think for a growing number of white Americans you are seeing more attention paid to the longer-term reasons that racial inequality persists in America," says Steven White, assistant professor of political science. "I guess the question is whether these changes in public opinion will last," he says. "Is this the beginning of a really substantial shift?"

June 16, 2020

White discusses his recent book on WWII and racial politics on New Books Network

Steven White, assistant professor of political science, shows in his book "World War II and American Racial Politics" that the white public’s racial policy opinions largely did not liberalize during the war against Nazi Germany and Congress remained unwilling to act on a civil rights policy agenda.

October 25, 2019

White quoted in NY Post article on Warren's segregationist gaffe

"Regarding [Elizabeth] Warren’s use of [Frances] Perkins in her speech tonight: I just want to note that this [Perkins' opposition to the Brown v. Board of Education verdict] is something Perkins said near the end of her life, was buried in an extremely long academic oral history interview, and isn’t really public knowledge," says Steven White, assistant professor of political science.

September 18, 2019

White quoted in Christian Science Monitor article on Trump, executive power

"A president might do all kinds of inappropriate things, but if members of Congress don’t want to impeach the president, the president won’t be impeached," says Steven White, assistant professor of political science.

June 6, 2018

White weighs in on political attraction of celebrities in Christian Science Monitor

"There’s a possibility that a lot of people view the president as being the spokesperson for the country, and what it stands for and values," says Steven White, assistant professor of political science. "They see Oprah as able to espouse a world view that inspires them."

January 11, 2018

White discusses merging of Confederate and Nazi symbols in Washington Post

"While both the Confederacy and Nazi Germany waged wars to defend white supremacy, those two symbols were mostly kept apart for decades after World War II," says Steven White, incoming assistant professor of political science. "How those two symbols of white supremacy have come to overlap tells us a great deal about how white racist extremism developed— and where it might go."

August 15, 2017

Steven White op-ed on transgender military ban published in Washington Post

"Both Truman and Trump were going against majority opinion when they declared a change in military policy that pertained to a marginalized group. The difference, however, is that Truman sought greater inclusion. Trump seeks the opposite," writes Steven White, incoming assistant professor of political science.

August 1, 2017

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