In the News: Yilin Hou
Behavioural Patterns of Leaders versus Followers in Setting Local Sales Tax Policy
Using a 40-year panel dataset from Texas, Yilin Hou and co-author identify leader municipalities in changing sales tax rates and examine how municipalities asymmetrically respond to multi-tiered rate changes. Published in Fiscal Studies: The Journal of Applied Public Economics.
See related: State & Local, Taxation, United States
Fiscal Implications of Disasters and the Managed Retreat Thereafter: Evidence from Hurricane Sandy
“Fiscal Implications of Disasters and the Managed Retreat Thereafter: Evidence from Hurricane Sandy,” co-authored by Yilin Hou, professor of public administration and international affairs, was published in Natural Hazards Review.
See related: Economic Policy, Natural Disasters, New York State, State & Local
Tax Streams, Land Rents, and Urban Land Allocation
Assessment Frequency and Equity of the Property Tax: Latest Evidence from Philadelphia
"Assessment frequency and equity of the property tax: Latest evidence from Philadelphia," co-authored by Yilin Hou, professor of public administration and international affairs, was published in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
See related: Taxation, United States
Extreme Weather Events and Local Fiscal Responses: Evidence from US Counties
"Extreme Weather Events and Local Fiscal Responses: Evidence from U.S. Counties," co-authored by Yilin Hou, professor of public administration and international affairs, was published in Economics of Disasters and Climate Change.
See related: Natural Disasters, State & Local, United States
Training Future Professors in Public Budgeting, Finance, and Financial Management
“Training future professors in public budgeting, finance, and financial management: The Inter-University Consortium for PhD courses,” co-authored by Yilin Hou, professor of public administration and international affairs, was published in the Journal of Public Affairs Education.
See related: Education, United States
Yilin Hou Honored with 2023 Aaron Wildavsky Award for Lifetime Achievement
Provided by the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, the award honors his contributions to public administration, budgeting, financial management and fiscal policy analysis.
See related: Awards & Honors
Returns to Scale in Property Assessment: Evidence from NYS’s Small Localities Coordination Program
"Returns to Scale in Property Assessment: Evidence from New York State’s Small Localities Coordination Program," co-authored by Maxwell professors Yilin Hou and John Yinger, was published in the National Tax Journal.
See related: Housing, New York State, Taxation
Hou leads in public budgeting and financial management
Yilin Hou, professor of public administration and international affairs, is among those who conceived of the idea to address challenges faced by institutions that offered the graduate degree program.
See related: Student Experience, U.S. Education, United States
Impacts of Property Tax Levy on Housing Price and Rent
See related: China
Hou paper on debt authority and overstatement of budgetary deficit published in IT&PF
See related: China
Coordination among Small Localities & Returns to Scale Property Value Assessment: Evidence from NYS
Hou Weighs in on China's Property Tax Expansion in Financial Times
See related: China, International Affairs, Taxation
Capstone projects aim to connect theory to practice
See related: Student Experience
Hou quoted in Bloomberg article on balanced-budget loopholes
"The rules are not ironclad," says Yilin Hou, professor of public administration and international affairs. "The simple reason being that state governments must operate to provide the services demanded by citizens, however harsh the rules are."
See related: Economic Policy, State & Local, United States
Development, Governance, and Real Property Tax in China
See related: China
Hou paper wins joint best research award
Yilin Hou, professor of public administration and international affairs, won a joint best research award from the Deng Ziji Foundation and the Journal of Trade and Finance Economics in China for a co-authored paper published in the journal. The paper provides evidence to advocate for a broad-base property tax in order to capture the capitalized value arising from improved public services.
See related: Awards & Honors, China, Taxation
Hou study on the impact of tax and expenditure limitations published in Publius
Hou paper on China’s property tax plan earns prestigious Pu Shan award
Yilin Hou, professor of public administration and international affairs and senior research associate at the Center for Policy Research, has won a prestigious economic policy research award from the Pu Shan Foundation of China, for his paper "Real Property Tax: Ability to Pay, Distribution of Tax Burden, and Redistribution Effects."
Hou study on population policy, demographic change and firm returns published in BE JEAP
See related: China