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In the News: Ying Shi

Ying Shi Named William T. Grant Scholar for Research on School Victimization

The Maxwell School assistant professor will conduct two studies on school victimization and hate crimes toward Asian American and Pacific Islander students.

June 10, 2024

How Does Positive Bias Affect Asian Students and Other Students of Color?

Ying Shi and Maria Zhu

New research from CPR Associates on the “model minority” stereotype finds that teachers rate Asian students’ academic skills more favorably than White students. In addition, teachers respond to the presence of any Asian student in the classroom by widening Black-White and Hispanic-White assessment gaps.

July 5, 2023

Shi Article on Putting Teachers on School Boards Published in Education Next

Ying Shi, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs, and John G. Singleton of the University of Rochester, investigated what happens when educators are elected to school boards. "Despite raising teachers’ salaries, electing an educator to a school board does not translate into improved outcomes for students and has negative impacts on charter schools."

June 5, 2023

Shi and Zhu Examine Bias Against Asian Students in a New Study in Journal of Public Economics

Ying Shi, Maria Zhu

"'Model minorities'" in the classroom? Positive evaluation bias towards Asian students and its consequences," co-authored by Ying Shi, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs, and Maria Zhu, assistant professor of economics, was published in the Journal of Public Economics.

March 3, 2023

Research on Racial Disparities in Education by Professors Drake, Shi and Zhu Cited in NY Times

The work of Sean Drake, assistant professor of sociology, Ying Shi, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs, and Maria Zhu, assistant professor of economics, was referenced in the article, "Asian American Students Face Bias, but It’s Not What You Might Think."

November 1, 2022

Shi article on the unequal distribution of substitute teaching

Jing Liu, Susanna Loeb & Ying Shi
August 31, 2020

See related: Civil Rights

Shi’s education research funded by Russell Sage and Gates Foundations

Ying Shi, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs, recently won a $29,809 grant jointly funded by the Russell Sage and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations for her upcoming research related to educational inequality and opportunity. John Singleton, an assistant professor of economics at the University of Rochester, will also be an investigator on this project.
March 13, 2020

See related: Grant Awards

Maxwell announces new faculty members, department chair

The academic year begins at the Maxwell School with the arrival of several new faculty members. In addition, Tom Perreault, professor of geography, is the new chair of the Department of Geography.
September 12, 2019
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