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O'Keefe discusses the presidential transition process in the DO

University Professor Sean O’Keefe says that the new administration faces challenges such as standardizing information technology, the consequences of budget decisions and talent acquisition.

January 24, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

Bybee discusses How Civility Works in Teen Vogue

"I think a good working definition of civility is a baseline of respect that we owe one another in public life, and that has long been the definition of civility," says Keith Bybee, professor of political science.

January 24, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

Sezgin op-ed on constitutional amendments in Turkey in Washington Post

"The current environment of spiraling violence and economic and political uncertainty makes predicting the outcome difficult," writes Yüksel Sezgin, assistant professor of political science and director of the Middle Eastern Studies program, of the referendum to transition Turkey from parliamentary to presidential.

January 24, 2017

McDowell book examines global lending and bailout history

Daniel McDowell, assistant professor of political science, identifies major changes to the global financial landscape from the 1960s through the 2008 global financial crisis that repeatedly undermined the IMF’s ability to act as an effective manager of international financial crises, in his new book "Brother, Can You Spare a Billion?"

January 23, 2017

D'Amico serves on screening committee for Fulbright-Clinton Fellowship

Francine D'Amico, associate professor of international affairs, served on the National Screening Committee for the Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellowship 2017-2018 offered through the Institute of International Education. The committee is comprised of area specialists and authorities in various fields who review applications and nominate candidates to the award sponsors.

January 23, 2017

Peter Castro study on flag politics in Ethiopia published

Peter Castro & Goshu Wolde Tefera
January 23, 2017

See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan)

Keck op-ed on Katko, Affordable Care Act on

"By voting against the repeal bill last week, Katko can maintain a fig leaf of independence, while doing nothing to actually stop his Republican colleagues from enacting policies that will be disastrous for his constituents," writes Thomas M. Keck, the Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law & Politics.

January 23, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

Gadarian discusses Trump, political anxiety on Georgia Public Broadcasting News radio

"What's dangerous about it is that he's [President Trump] promising to protect people from a particular group [Muslims] who have less political power in the U.S." says Shana Gadarian, professor and chair of the political science department.
January 20, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

Reeher comments on political divide in NYS in Lockport Union-Sun & Journal

"Anti-SAFE Act signs still dot the upstate countryside...That speaks to the 'cultural differences' that often lead to very different voting patterns in upstate and downstate communities," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, about Upstate New York opposition to Governor Cuomo's gun-control law.

January 20, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

Maxwell alumna Camilla Campisi '05 MA (IR) named Empire State Fellow

Camilla Campisi '05 M.A. (IR) was one of eight midcareer professionals recruited to the Empire State Fellowship, which aims to recruit private sector employees to join the next generation of state government leaders and policy makers.

January 19, 2017

Andersen, Banks, Taylor discuss Trump and US-Russia relations in DO

“More information cannot easily be provided (to) the public—the classification is required to preserve the secrecy of the sources and methods we used to learn about the hacking,” says William Banks, professor of public administration and international affairs. “It creates a dilemma that is difficult to resolve.”

January 19, 2017

Dutkowsky, Flores-Lagunes on growing job market for economic PhDs

Don Dutkowsky, professor of economics, notes that doctorates in economics have thrived due to the expansive job market available in economics both inside and outside of academia. Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, professor of economics, adds that an increase in economic majors has yielded a higher demand for economics instructors, opening up doors for economics doctorates where they are closing in other fields of study.

January 18, 2017

Andersen, Burdick on Trump threat to Obama legacy

Kristi Andersen and John Burdick on the threat that Trump imposes on Obama's legacy, focusing on LGBTQ rights, the passing of the Affordable Care Act, and climate change.
January 18, 2017

Zoli weighs in on Trump, counterterrorism in Newsday

Corri Zoli, research director for the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism, thinks there will be a significant return to the default mode of deterrence under Trump.

January 17, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

Elizabeth Cohen discusses sanctuary cities on CNY Central

Elizabeth Cohen, professor of political science, says it won't be easy for Trump to withhold money from sanctuary cities as there are numerous conditions, privacy laws and civil rights protections he will need to navigate.

January 17, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

Kriesberg op-ed on MLK Jr., Trump in Huffington Post

"To some degree... both [Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and President Donald Trump] sought to mobilize their potential followers and defeat their adversaries as one waged a struggle for civil rights for African Americans and the other for winning a national presidential election," says Louis Kriesberg, professor emeritus of sociology.


January 17, 2017

See related: U.S. Elections

Bybee book on civility featured in The New York Times

Given how nasty and intractable the conflicts in our society can be, Keith Bybee, professor of political science, argues that it is naïve to imagine we can somehow transcend our clashing sets of values and miraculously agree on what counts as acceptable behavior and tolerable opinion.

January 12, 2017

O'Keefe discusses the transfer of presidential power on CNY Central

University Professor Sean O'Keefe notes that there will always be tensions that accompany presidential transitions.

January 12, 2017

Mitra op-ed on India's jobless growth in Bloomberg Quint

According to Devashish Mitra, professor of economics & Gerald B. and Daphna Cramer Professor of Global Affairs, "to fully employ the growing labour force gainfully and productively, India will probably have to create tens of millions of modern-sector jobs over the next few years."

January 11, 2017

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