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Property Tax-Induced Mobility and Redistribution: Evidence from Mass Reappraisals

Rebecca Fraenkel
This report, by Rebecca Fraenkel, investigates the effect of property tax changes on individual homeowner mobility and voted tax rates using a panel of individual assessment and sales records in Ohio.
December 16, 2022

Maxwell Alum Bill Brodsky and Wife Turn Orange Power and Purpose Into a Lifetime of Civic Leadership

Both were recently appointed to serve their country in new ways by the president of the United States: Bill was chosen by President Joe Biden L’68 and confirmed by the Senate to serve as a board member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) and Joan was appointed to the National Museum of Library Services Board.
December 16, 2022

Hamid Ekbia, PhD, Appointed Director of Autonomous Systems Policy Institute

Hamid Ekbia, professor of informatics, cognitive science, data science and international studies at Indiana University in Bloomington, has been appointed as University Professor at Syracuse University and will serve as the next director of its Autonomous Systems Policy Institute (ASPI). 
December 15, 2022

Connected in the Capital: Washington, D.C., Is Home to a Vast Maxwell Network

The nation's capital is home to a thriving academic program and the greatest concentration of Maxwell School alumni outside of New York. 
December 14, 2022

Institute for Democracy, Journalism and Citizenship Tackles a ‘Daunting Problem’

Distrust in the media, fueled by disinformation and partisan outlets, is among the reasons Syracuse University is opening the Institute for Democracy, Journalism and Citizenship in D.C.

December 14, 2022

Partnership with Washington, D.C., Think Tank Brings Unique Opportunities for Maxwell Students

The nearly decade-long connection to the Center for Strategic and International Studies brings instruction from fellows, top practitioners and, recently, U.S. Army General Mark Milley.
December 14, 2022

Maxwell Partners with Newhouse to Launch Institute for Democracy, Journalism and Citizenship in DC

A joint initiative of the Newhouse and Maxwell schools, the institute will promote nonpartisan, evidence-based research and dialogue in the public interest and support the work of faculty and students.

December 14, 2022

Jamie Winders Honored for Excellence in International Scholarship

The Center for Migration Studies presented Winders, professor of geography and the environment and associate provost for faculty affairs, with the award at its annual gala.

December 14, 2022

See related: Awards & Honors

Mothers of Disabled Children Faced Numerous Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Amy Lutz, Sujung (Crystal) Lee, and Baurzhan Bokayev
This brief summarizes results from a recent study on the challenges mothers of disabled children faced during the COVID-19 pandemic during the Spring of 2020 in Central New York.
December 13, 2022

Evaluating Email Nudges for the Healthy Monday Race Across the U.S.

The Maxwell X Lab partnered with the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion & Population Health to create email messages to encourage engagement in weekly activities and challenges.
December 13, 2022

Lambright Quoted in Grid Article on NASA’s Artemis I Launch

Although from the outside, the saga of the SLS (Space Launch System) and NASA’s plans for the moon and Mars look like a story of endless delays and cost overruns, that is basically how large technological projects work out in a democracy, says W. Henry Lambright, a professor of political science and public administration and international affairs.

December 12, 2022

COVID Research Project Garners up to $2.2 Million From the National Institutes of Health

Associate Professor Emily Wiemers is the principal investigator of the team that includes her Maxwell School colleague, Marc A. Garcia. 

December 12, 2022

McFate Piece on Irregular Warfare, Strategic Competition Published in The Hill

"Today’s defense community has forgotten that strategic competition is won through irregular warfare—a dangerous mistake," writes Sean McFate, adjunct professor in Maxwell's Washington programs.

December 10, 2022

See related: Government, United States

Maxwell Student Delegation Honored at Model UN Conference

The students received a Distinguished Delegates award while representing the Russian Federation.

December 9, 2022

Taylor Talks to Forbes About What the Future Holds for Russia

Brian Taylor, professor of political science, discusses the war’s progress, the state of the Russian economy, Russian attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure, Vladimir Putin’s view of Ukrainian sovereignty and other topics. 

December 9, 2022

Leonard Lopoo Named Co-Investigator on $240K NSF Grant for Academic Coaching

The grant was awarded to the University’s Center for Learning and Student Success to expand a coaching program.
December 8, 2022

See related: Education, Grant Awards

In Memoriam: Ira Harrison—Activist, Scholar and Poet

His many accomplishments include eight books of poetry and the launch of the Association of Black Anthropologists.
December 8, 2022

See related: In Memoriam

Trip Inspires Business Venture for Maxwell Alums

Fabiola Lara ’13 B.A. (IR) and Sabith Khan ’11 M.P.A./ M.A. (IR) launched a business, Tlali Pani, that offers handmade goods from the community they visited in Oaxaca, Mexico. Both say their education and experiences at the Maxwell School have been foundational in the business endeavor.

December 7, 2022

Maxwell Alumna, Jet Blue President Receives Arents Award

Joanna Geraghty ’97 J.D./M.A. (IR) was presented with Syracuse University’s highest alumni honor, the George Arents Award, during the 2022 Alumni Awards Celebration held during Orange Central on Sept. 30.  

December 7, 2022

See related: Awards & Honors

Alumnus Josh Aviv Introduces President Biden

Josh Aviv '15 B.A. (Econ), founder and CEO of SparkCharge, was invited to introduce Biden before the president signed off on the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act.

December 7, 2022
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