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Burman discusses Biden's tax proposal in Vox article

"Taking out the politics, planning a tax bill that would help reduce inequality, make the system work better, raise revenue to slow the rate of growth of the debt, all of those things would make a whole lot of sense," says Leonard Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics. "But the question is just timing, and it’s always a bad time for a tax increase because it’s hard to get your base excited about raising taxes."
March 19, 2021

Pralle talks to Forbes about FEMA's upcoming changes, flood insurance

For homeowners, or prospective buyers, "rising insurance rates could lead to a reduction in home values," says Sarah Pralle, associate professor of political science, and "they could be forced to sell at a loss, or even abandon their property." 
March 19, 2021

Lovely quoted in Reuters article on Biden's nominee for US Trade Representative

"The 98-0 vote in favor does, I believe, show her views are in line with many senators on trade," say Professor Mary Lovely. 
March 18, 2021

Reeher weighs in on Tucker Carlson 2024 run in National Interest

"Carlson has been keen to focus on the supposed failings and absurdities of Democratic elites, and that puts him in as good a position as any to inherit his supporters—those for whom Trump, as an individual candidate and office-holder, carried some extra appeal beyond the standard Republican brand," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science.
March 18, 2021

Lerner Fellow Mariah Brennan selected for position in RAND's 2021 Grad Student Summer Program

Mariah Brennan, Lerner Graduate Fellow and Social Sciences PhD student, was selected for a very competitive and prestigious position in RAND's 2021 Graduate Student Summer Associate Program. Brennan will work with researchers at RAND this summer on projects related to veterans' health and health care. 
March 16, 2021

Jackson talks about Black women's experiences with COVID-19 in GenForward

In their article, "This Women’s History Month, Recognize Black Women’s Efforts To Save Ourselves," published by the GenForward Survey, Assistant Professor of Political Science Jenn Jackson discusses Black women's experiences with COVID-19.
March 16, 2021

Rasmussen discusses Fears of a Setting Sun on Age of Jackson podcast

Dennis Rasmussen, professor of political science, was interviewed on the Age of Jackson podcast about his new book, "Fears of a Setting Sun: The Disillusionment of America's Founders" (Princeton University Press).
March 16, 2021

See related: Government, United States

Introducing the Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) Age-at-Death Data Tracker

Scott D. Landes, Nader Mehri, Janet M. Wilmoth

This data slice introduces a new data tracking tool that shows age-at-death trends for adults with intellectual disability, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and other rare developmental disabilities, as well as those without IDD.

March 16, 2021

Anne Mosher named Provost Faculty Fellow

Interim Vice Chancellor and Provost John Liu has named Anne E. Mosher, associate professor of geography and the environment, a Provost’s Faculty Fellow.
March 15, 2021

McCormick discusses US-Mexico immigration in Al Jazeera article

Gladys McCormick, Jay and Debe Moskowitz Endowed Chair in Mexico-U.S. Relations, says Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is likely to request more U.S. funding than under previous arrangements with Trump to respond to the situation.
March 15, 2021

Faricy piece on Biden's American Rescue Plan published in The Hill

"Our recent analysis of public opinion about people’s attitudes toward government assistance shows that Democrats can gain the support of conservative voters for assistance to the poor through smart policy design. And there is no better example than the American Rescue Plan (ARP)," Associate Professor of Political Science Chris Faricy and Christopher Ellis (Bucknell University) write.
March 15, 2021

Maxwell alumni, student honored with 2021 American Society for Public Administration awards

Several Maxwell alumni and one current online EMPA student are among the award honorees.
March 11, 2021

Landes talks to CBS about COVID-19 reporting of people with IDD

Scott Landes, associate professor of sociology and co-author of a recent study that found that those with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) living in group homes may be more likely to die from COVID-19, says the pandemic has exposed shortcomings in the medical community "as we've made decisions on who we collect data on, what we report, who we emphasize, who gets prioritization."
March 11, 2021

Alumni Spotlight: A Powerful Voice for Justice

Mazaher Kaila ’19 B.A. (PSc) advocates for social justice while earning law degree at Syracuse.

March 10, 2021

Sultana reviews Global Gobeshona Conference in Dhaka Tribune

"Given that climate change impacts the most vulnerable across the world, yet the voices of the vulnerable are always not heard or heeded sufficiently in high-level planning and decision-making, conferences like the Global Gobeshona Conference enhance opportunities to have different voices and positionalities to be present in spaces of global knowledge sharing," writes Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography and the environment.
March 9, 2021

See related: Climate Change, India

New York State’s Counties Have Different Trends in Population Aging

Nader Mehri

The percentage of the population age 60+ is growing faster in NY than in the U.S. overall.

March 9, 2021

Michelmore quoted in MarketWatch article on the American Rescue Plan

Undoing the earned income threshold is a particular benefit to Black and Latino children who disproportionately live in households falling underneath the earned income threshold, says Katherine Michelmore, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs.
March 8, 2021

Gadarian speaks to the Telegraph about Hunter Biden's memoir

"He’s a person who’s been in the public eye for a long time. He was at the center of former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment, and his public image has been framed to some extent by the political opposition, so his aim may be to establish a public record in his own words," says Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science.
March 8, 2021
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