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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Elections

Syracuse Mayoral Candidates to Debate on Campbell Conversations

Grant Reeher, director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, will moderate a debate between Syracuse's mayoral candidates: incumbent Ben Walsh, an independent who is running on the Independence Party line, the Democratic Party nominee Khalid Bey, and the Republican nominee, Janet Burman.
October 20, 2021

Alumni Spotlight: Into the Fray

Carolyn Bourdeaux ’03 Joins Congress Days Before Capitol Riot
July 12, 2021

Reeher quoted in The Hill article on Biden, success of democracies

"Biden does have a challenge," says Professor Grant Reeher. "He is arguing, 'I am here as the American president to be the leading voice.' But then he is subject to people saying, 'Wait a minute, look at what you folks have been going through. Why is it you? Why isn’t it [German Chancellor] Angela Merkel? Or one of the other leaders?'"
June 10, 2021

McCormick comments on violence ahead of Mexico elections in Al Jazeera

"There’s always been violence with elections and electoral cycles especially at the mayoral level where you really see things get heated, but this time it feels like it’s way more than ordinary," says Gladys McCormick, Jay and Debe Moskowitz Endowed Chair in Mexico-U.S. Relations.
May 27, 2021

Thompson talks to CNY Central about the Jan. 6 commission

"The group of people responsible for this is pretty extensive," says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science. She was quoted in the CNY Central article, "Bipartisan commission to investigate January 6 attack on U.S. Capitol." 
May 26, 2021

Radcliffe quoted in Marketplace piece on companies, voter restrictions

Dana Radcliffe, adjunct professor of public administration and international affairs, says that although taking a stand can be tricky, "if companies are dragging their feet or not getting involved when fundamental questions of democracy are at stake, that could be a long-term threat." 
April 15, 2021

Taylor explores impact of Putin’s new constitution in Foreign Affairs

"Putin’s solution to the 2024 problem was for his own benefit, but it also was designed to reassure Russia’s political and economic elite. They were dreading a potentially treacherous succession crisis that might put their power, wealth, and freedom at risk," writes Brian Taylor, professor of political science. "Resetting Putin’s presidential clock does little for the Russian people, however."
April 13, 2021

Radcliffe comments on corporations' role in politics in Marketplace

"If you don’t take a stand, you’re opening yourself up to criticism of being complicit in legislation that is widely seen as violating individual rights," says Dana Radcliffe, adjunct professor of public administration and international affairs. 
March 30, 2021

Lovely quoted in Axios piece on how companies handle controversies

"Companies are really in the crosshairs...with the potential of losing access to the consumer market," says Professor Mary Lovely. 
March 29, 2021

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