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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Gender and Sex

Did Gender Egalitarianism Weaken Religiosity in Baby Boom Women? A Developmental-Historical Approach

Merril Silverstein, Woosang Hwang, Jeung Hyun Kim, Maria T Brown

"Did Gender Egalitarianism Weaken Religiosity in Baby Boom Women? A Developmental-Historical Approach," co-authored by Professor of Sociology Merril Silverstein, was published in Sociology of Religion.

October 2, 2023

Kristy Buzard Explores Gender Disparities in Economics

She is part of a three-member team that received a $157,065 grant from the Women in Economics and Mathematics Research Consortium.

September 28, 2023

Thompson Discusses the Legacy of Far-Right Women’s Groups in the US on WORT 89.9FM

"There have been women involved for a long, long time. For example, there was a very active women’s branch of the Klu Klux Klan in the 1920s. And many of those women, but not all, had been members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy," says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science.

July 27, 2023

Ueda-Ballmer Weighs In on Japan’s Mental Health Crisis, Gender Inequality in The Nation Article

“Suicide was always a men’s issue,” says Michiko Ueda-Ballmer, associate professor of public administration and international affairs. During the pandemic, “suddenly, women’s suffering became visible.” For the first time, “the government was forced to confront an approach to suicide prevention that had previously focused exclusively on middle-aged men.” 

July 20, 2023

Jackson Joins WCNY Connected for a Panel Discussion on LGBTQIA+ Issues Facing New Yorkers

"What I think is the best mode is for the government to step back and to support community organizations who are often at the forefront of these conversations and are often populated by people who are directly impacted, and who are the very people who have the expertise because they are the people we are talking about," says Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science.

June 28, 2023

Demographic and Geographic Variation in Fatal Drug Overdoses in the United States, 1999–2020

Shannon Monnat

"Demographic and Geographic Variation in Fatal Drug Overdoses in the United States, 1999–2020," authored by Shannon Monnat, professor of sociology, was published in the ANNALS of of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

March 20, 2023

Russell Sage Foundation Awards Grant for Kristy Buzard’s Research Project ‘Who Ya Gonna Call?’

Buzard, associate professor of economics, is part of a three-member team that will explore the extent to which mothers are more likely than fathers to be contacted by their child’s school.

March 14, 2023

Jackson Discusses the Health Phenomenon ‘Weathering’ and Its Impact on Black Women With Insider

"We know that Black women are paid less than their white counterparts, are expected to work longer hours with fewer pay raises, and are the most likely to be in unemployment lines when those rates increase. So these types of discriminatory practices shape the types of visceral effects that happen to Black women's bodies," says Jenn Jackson, assistant professor of political science.

February 17, 2023

Social Status and Gendered Pathways to Citizenship

Jeannette Money, Sara Kazemian, Audie Klotz, Marisella Rodriguez

"Social Status and Gendered Pathways to Citizenship," co-authored by Professor of Political Science Audie Klotz, was published in International Migration Review. 

February 15, 2023

See related: Gender and Sex, Migration

Changing Faces of Political Women in Tokyo

Margarita Estévez-Abe

This article, written by Professor of Political Science Margarita Estévez-Abe and published in the Japanese Journal of Political Science, examines the biographies of female local politicians in Tokyo's 23 Special Ward assemblies to understand the rise of Mama Giin.

January 6, 2023

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