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Maxwell School News and Commentary

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Reeher quoted in Press-Republican article on NY, Trump's tax returns

Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, says that Governor Cuomo's signing of new legislation that allows Congressional committees to acquire President Trump's New York tax filings "represents a new escalation in the level of political polarization that we're seeing."

July 11, 2019

Reeher weighs in on Gillibrand's legislative victories in PolitiFact

According to Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, it can be difficult to measure how much a lawmaker worked behind the scenes to advance legislation, because the paper trail isn’t always clear.

June 25, 2019

Maxwell alum appointed Beverly Hills city clerk

As city clerk, Huma Ahmed '16 E.M.P.A./CAS (Conflict Resolution) will be the community face of the city, working with the city manager and translating the professional language of the city to the people.

June 25, 2019


In the Indian Health Service, Jennifer Cooper helps assure that programs benefit from local control.
June 21, 2019

Reeher weighs in on possible 4th term for Governor Cuomo in Daily Star

Governor Cuomo could be facing "the fatigue factor," with more voters now looking to "change the dialogue and change the players" at the statehouse, says Grant Reeher, professor of political science.
June 12, 2019

Book by Serin Houston offers Seattle as case study of urban governance

A new book by Serin Houston ’11 PhD (Geog) uses Seattle as a case study, delving into some of the most pressing and compelling aspects of contemporary urban governance in the United States. The book, Imagining Seattle: Social Values in Urban Governance, was published in May by the University of Nebraska Press as part of its “Our Sustainable Future” series.
June 11, 2019

Reeher weighs in on state abortion laws in TIME

Grant Reeher discusses the state politics behind abortion access in the TIme article, "Trump Keeps Talking About Second-Trimester Abortions. Here's What He Gets Wrong." As efforts heat up to ban abortion on a national level, blue states are looking to strengthen their abortion laws, while red states are attemtping to dismantle them. Reeher says these restrive efforts are meant "to be tested in courts."

April 30, 2019

Veterans in Politics initiative featured in Wash Times, ConnectingVets

The new Veterans in Politics program is designed to help veterans and military family members who aspire to public office or another form of a political career.

April 22, 2019

Lux, Armstrong discuss new Veterans in Politics program on WSYR

Steve Lux, director of Executive Education, and Maxwell alumnus Nick Armstrong '08 M.P.A./'14 Ph.D. (SSc), IVMF senior director of research and policy, claim the new program will help veterans and military family members who aspire to public office or another form of a political career.

April 12, 2019

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