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Li study on receipt of home health care among older adults published

Jun Li, Mingyu Qi & Rachel M. Werner
September 11, 2020

See related: State & Local

Bendix speaks to Associated Press, Bloomberg about the California wildfires

"Climate change makes everything worse," says Jacob Bendix, professor of geography and the environment. "Efforts to manage fire risks "will be of limited use as long as the climate is getting warmer and in many cases getting drier."

September 10, 2020

Schwartz discusses New York City school bus service in Gotham Gazette

"Although cutting school bus service may seem like an 'easy' way to save money, educators and policymakers should wield the budget knife carefully," write Amy Ellen Schwartz, Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chair in Public Affairs, and her co-authors. 

August 26, 2020

Montez study on life expectancy, state policies featured in Huffington Post

“Across a huge range of issues, the more liberal version of state policies predicts longer life expectancy and the conservative version predicts shorter life expectancy.”
August 26, 2020

Thompson discusses progress, role of women in politics on WAER

"We still haven't elected a woman on the national ticket in either party," says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science. "I think we still have a long way to go before we can talk about equality. But what we're talking about is progress."

August 21, 2020

Thompson discusses local congressional races with CNY Central

"There is always higher turnout in a presidential election year, but what that will mean in any given district is less clear," says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science. 

August 19, 2020

Latest Maxwell Perspective previews public affairs issues for voters

The eight essays include historical background and trends to explain the legacy of voters' choices in November. Also included in this edition are stories on historian David Bennett's 50-year-plus career, a new scholarship fund geared towards retention, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

August 18, 2020

Montez-led study linking state policies to life expectancy in the Los Angeles Times

The tendency is to focus on what Americans behaviors in regards to obesity, smoking, and drug use, but state policies are so important.
August 5, 2020

Catherine Gerard concludes 15 years of leadership at PARCC

After serving as its director or co-director since 2005, Catherine Gerard has stepped down from her leadership role at the Maxwell School’s renowned Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC), effective July 1, 2020. Gerard will continue as an adjunct professor of public administration and associate director for the Executive Education Programs at Maxwell, and also continue her work as co-director of the Collaborative Governance Initiative at PARCC. 

July 30, 2020

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