Maxwell School News and Commentary
Filtered by: Geography & the Environment Department
Huber speaks to Motherboard about the Yellow Vest protests in France
See related: Climate Change
Huber speaks with VICE about the Green New Deal
"History shows that, especially with our country being the richest and having the most wealth and resources to deploy, we can do massive transformational things," says Matt Huber, associate professor of geography, about the Green New Deal.
Koch speaks with Astana Times about Kazakhstan’s energy landscape
Bendix discusses the factors behind the CA wildfires in USA Today
See related: Climate Change, United States, Wildfires
Geo PhD student Emily Bukowski publishes paper on Dutch elm disease
See related: Natural Resources, Student Experience
Philip Curtis '10 BA (Geo) article on forest loss published in Science
See related: Agriculture
Monmonier quoted in Atlas Obscura article on orientation of early maps
Mark Monmonier, Distinguished Professor of Geography, notes that the group of west-oriented maps of Virginia could simply have come about because people copied [John] Smith, whose map was early and famous.
Michelmore publishes study on union stability, couples with children
Sultana quoted in Grist article on climate scientist James Hansen
Looking back on how scientists responded to climate change over the past 30 years, Farhana Sultana, associate professor of geography, says "a positive outcome is that today a number of young people understand and care about the impacts of climate change…with a greater focus on issues of equity and justice."