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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Gueorguiev quoted in South China Morning Post on Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement

Dimitar Gueorguiev was quoted in the South China Morning Post article "U.S. lawmakers nominate Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement for the Nobel Peace Prize."
February 4, 2021

See related: China, Government, Human Rights

Griffiths evaluates grievances of secessionist movements in new paper

Ryan D. Griffiths & Angely Martinez
February 3, 2021

London, Hoy examine same-sex sexuality and divorce risk in new study

Andrew S. London & Aaron Hoy
February 3, 2021

See related: Sexual Identity

Schwartz discusses her recent special education study with Hechinger Report

"They’re closing the gap with their general education peers by about a sixth," says Professor Amy Ellen Schwartz, Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chair in Public Affairs and lead author of the recently published study, "The Effects of Special Education on the Academic Performance of Students with Learning Disabilities." 
February 3, 2021

Montez quoted in Undark article on state policies, life expectancy

Professor Jennifer Karas Montez was quoted in the Undark article, "Are Conservative Policies Shortening American Lives?"
February 2, 2021

O'Keefe remembers space shuttle Columbia tragedy on LocalSYR's Bridge Street

Sean O'Keefe remembers the Shuttle Columbia tragedy on LocalSYR's Bridge Street.
February 2, 2021

Popp talks to CNN, Washington Examiner about effects of Obama's Recovery Act

Professor David Popp talks to CNN, Washington Examiner about effects of Obama's Recovery Act.
February 2, 2021

Allport reviews best books on first act of World War II in Wall Street Journal

Alan Allport, associate professor of history, selects his top five books on the harrowing first act of World War II in the Wall Street Journal.
February 2, 2021

See related: Europe

Lasch-Quinn discusses Ars Vitae on New Books Network

Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn, professor of history, spoke about her book "Ars Vitae: The Fate of Inwardness and the Return of the Ancient Art of Living." 
February 1, 2021

See related: Europe

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