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The Public Health Crisis of Law Enforcement’s Over-Use of Force

Mary E. Helander , Austin McNeill Brown

The overuse of police force has public health implications. The rates of injury and death sustained while in law enforcement custody should be collected as a part of the public health strategy to minimize the over-use of force.

July 27, 2020

Lovely weighs in on EU-China investment agreement in SCMP

"In short, the pandemic has led to greater fear of Chinese unfair practices, not less," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

July 27, 2020

Danielle Rhubart's Research Cited in Marketwatch

"Research also suggests that mothers aren't just reducing their hours, they're leaving their jobs to cope. Among women who said they were not working due to the pandemic, more than 16% said it was because they had to care for children not in school or daycare...compared to less than 5% of the men," states a research brief written by Lerner Postdoctoral Scholar Danielle Rhubart.

July 25, 2020

Gadarian cited in FiveThirtyEight article on COVID-19, partisan divide

Shana Gadarian, associate professor of political science, says she was surprised to see such enormous divides emerge as the pandemic wore on, as according to other research she’s conducted, moments of extreme anxiety and uncertainty can actually make people more open to new sources of information.

July 24, 2020

The Influence of Military Service Experiences on Current and Daily Drinking

Andrew S. London, Janet M. Wilmoth, William J. Oliver, Jessica A. Hausauer

Non-combat and combat veterans without a PD or TBI are less likely than nonveterans to be daily drinkers.

July 23, 2020

Pralle discusses the climate crisis on WAER

"We need to stop burning fossil fuels and we know when we need to do it," says Sarah Pralle, associate professor of political science.

July 22, 2020

“Right to Work” and Life or Death for Georgia Teachers

Austin McNeill Brown

Georgia is a “right to work” state, in which teachers can be fired or have their state license revoked if they strike or utilize collective bargaining. This leaves few legal options for teachers to challenge the state mandate to reopen without adequate preparation.

July 20, 2020

Barkun cited in VICE articles on conspiracy theories

According to Michael Barkun, professor emeritus of political science, three core principles characterize most conspiracy theories. First, the belief that nothing happens by accident or coincidence. Secondly, that nothing is as it seems: The "appearance of innocence" is to be suspected. Finally, the belief that everything is connected through a hidden pattern.

July 20, 2020

Gadarian quoted in NY Times article on face mask use in the US

"The big takeaway of all of the data is partisanship is the big determinant of all of the behavior," says Associate Professor of Political Science Shana Gadarian.

July 20, 2020

NIA funds multi-university aging and policy center

A consortium of three Upstate New York universities has received a 5-year, $1.5-million grant from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) to fund the Center for Aging and Policy Studies (CAPS), headquartered at Syracuse University.
July 17, 2020

Disparities in Vulnerability to Severe Complications from COVID-19 in the United States

Emily E. Wiemers, Scott Abrahams, Marwa AlFakhri, V. Joseph Hotz, Robert F. Schoeni , Judith A. Seltzer

Among middle-aged and older Americans, vulnerability to severe COVID-19 complications based on preexisting conditions is 2-3 times greater for those with low versus high income.

July 15, 2020

Lerner Center research cited in NYT article on working moms, COVID-19

Lerner Postdoctoral Scholar Danielle Rhubart's research found that over 80 percent of U.S. adults who weren’t working because they had to care for their children who were not in school or day care were women.

July 15, 2020

Danielle Rhubart's Research Brief Cited in New York Times

Danielle Rhubart, Lerner postdoctoral scholar, was cited in The New York Times in a story about how COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting mothers’ careers. 

July 15, 2020

Barkun quoted in Foreign Policy article on QAnon movement

"If there is any lesson to be taken from this bizarre episode, it is that, in the age of Trump, no claim seems too preposterous to find an audience and that, in the age of the internet and social media, these beliefs and those willing to accept them are only too easy to bring together," says Michael Barkun, professor emeritus of political science. He was cited in the Foreign Policy article "QAnon’s Madness Is Turning Canadians Into Potential Assassins."
July 15, 2020

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