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Reeher weighs in on Miner's potential run for governor in City & State

"[Representative John Katko] has taken some high-profile positions and votes against Trump and the Republican leadership that strengthen his bona fides as a moderate and an independent voice—which is a good fit with the district," says Professor of Political Science Grant Reeher. "[Stephanie] Miner can no doubt see that, and to risk being beaten badly would probably end her elective political career. Taking on a strong governor in a primary doesn't pose the same downside risk."

January 29, 2018

Lovely discusses US trade policy, China in Christian Science Monitor

"Right now, trade policy looks very rear-view mirror," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics. "Just worrying about 500 jobs here or 1,000 jobs there seems to miss the need for long-term strategy." 

January 29, 2018

Banks weighs in on executive privilege in Washington Times

"Executive privilege is an amorphous concept," Professor Emeritus William C. Banks says. "It has never been tested the way it could soon be tested."

January 26, 2018

Professors secure grant to study chemicals of concern in NY waterways

Syracuse University professors from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Engineering and Computer Science received a $498,000 grant from the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture to complete a research project on how farmers’ decision-making affects the potential transmission of pharmaceutical residue into New York waterways.

January 26, 2018

Banks updates Bloomberg on Jeff Sessions meeting with Robert Mueller

William C. Banks, professor of practice of public administration and international affairs says, "Trump has already said certain things that support at least a serious inquiry into whether obstruction has been committed. Whether [Attorney General Jeff] Sessions tries to stonewall with the privilege claims or some other, the facts are going to be discovered by the Mueller team in the not-too-distant future."

January 25, 2018

Who are Asian Americans?

Prema Kurien
January 25, 2018

See related: South Asia

Going beyond LATE: Bounding Average Treatment Effects of Job Corps Training

Xuan Chen, Carlos A. Flores & Alfonso Flores-Lagunes
January 25, 2018

Lovely weighs in on tariffs on imported goods in Chicago Tribune

According to Professor Mary Lovely, a drawback to the hefty tariffs President Trump imposed on imported washing machines and solar panels is that "there will be less innovation in the long term." 

January 25, 2018

Mobile Pantry Brings Fresh Food To Near Westside Residents

The need for healthy, fresh food is urgent on the Near Westside. To help meet this need, the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion has teamed up with the Near Westside Peacemaking Project and the Food Bank of Central New York to bring the Mobile Food Pantry to Syracuse residents who are most in need. Last week, residents received approximately 150 food boxes filled with milk, eggs, yogurt, fruit, vegetables and bread.

January 24, 2018

Banks discusses passage of FISA extension on Bloomberg Radio

William Banks discussed the House’s passage of an extension to the Foreign intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) on the Bloomberg Radio segment "House Passes FISA Rules After White House Uncertainty." 
January 24, 2018

Rosenthal lecture on agglomeration economies cited in Asian Scientist

Stuart Rosenthal, professor and chair of economics, gave a keynote lecture titled "Building Specialisation, Anchor Tenants and Agglomeration Economies," which offered a new perspective on the productivity of cities. Rosenthal discussed the productivity spillovers that occur when tenants in tall commercial buildings are in close proximity, and how this leads to shared skilled labor, intermediate inputs and knowledge.

January 24, 2018

Kurien discusses multiracialism in megachurches in Religion & Politics

Prema Kurien, professor and chair of sociology, examines how immigrants are influenced by, and in turn shape, U.S. megachurches in her article, "The 'Browning' of American Megachurches," published in Religion & Politics. "Nondenominational evangelical megachurches have become a ubiquitous feature of the American religious landscape, and there has been a lot of discussion about how they are 'remaking' American religious traditions," says Kurien. "But American evangelicalism has also had a profound impact on the church lives of contemporary immigrants and their children." 
January 23, 2018

See related: Religion

Francine D’Amico named teaching professor at the Maxwell School

The dean of the Maxwell School has appointed Francine D’Amico to the position of teaching professor in the International Relations Program. The promotion recognizes D’Amico’s accomplishments in teaching, advising, service, and curricular and co-curricular development since joining the Maxwell School in 2000.

January 22, 2018

O'Keefe discusses reassignment of NASA crew member on

"Crew changes aren't unusual and when they do happen, the reassigned astronauts almost always fly on a later mission," says Sean O'Keefe, Howard and Louise Phanstiel endowed Chair in Strategic Management and Leadership. "The exceptions are very few and far between."

January 22, 2018

Elizabeth Cohen weighs in on RAISE Act, Trump's family in PolitiFact

Elizabeth Cohen, professor of political science, claims that President Trump's grandfather's chances of being allowed into the country if the RAISE Act were in place when he immigrated from Germany in 1885 would have been highly unlikely".

January 19, 2018

Dennison quoted in article on outpatient surgery

According to Tom Dennison, director of the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion, the migration of profitable procedures to free-standing surgery centers makes it more difficult for hospitals to cover the cost of 24/7 emergency care and other "safety net" services that are not profitable. 

January 18, 2018

Hou discusses local property tax in China with Xinhua News

Yilin Hou, professor of public administration and international affairs, believes that a good tax system should generally comply with five major design principles, namely fair tax burden, focus on efficiency, appropriate tax administration, sufficient tax revenue and openness and transparency.

January 18, 2018

Measuring the Role of the 1959 Revolution on Cuba's Economic Performance

Hugo Jales, Thomas H. Kang, Guilherme Stein & Felipe Garcia Ribeiro
January 17, 2018

Monnat research cited in Population Reference Bureau article on opioid overdose epidemic

According to Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, interventions should target communities with populations in "significant economic distress," focusing on "places that have experienced major labor market shifts and income decline over the past four decades." "Failure to consider the underlying economic causes could lead to ineffective policy strategies," she says.

January 17, 2018

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