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The Tanner Lectures and Citizenship

Even as Maxwell prepares to launch its undergraduate major in citizenship and civic engagement, another new program invites diverse perspectives on citizenship and civic responsibility into the life of the School.
February 14, 2018

Citizenship and Civic Engagement and the Policy Studies Major

At first glance, the new major in citizenship and civic engagement would seem to share a lot with another Maxwell major, policy studies. Both are interdisciplinary, nurture informed citizens, and emphasize action. But the similarities end there.

February 14, 2018

From the Ground Up

"We don't want to press our interests in citizenship upon the students," says Amy Lutz, associate professor of sociology, who will be teaching the new MAX course on research methods and civic engagement. "We want them to develop it themselves. We're there as mentors. So it shouldn't be that we give them the Action Plan and they fill it in. It should be initiated by the student's desire to engage with a particular social problem."

February 14, 2018

See related: School History

Culture of Health

Maxwell’s Lerner Center is working with local government to encourage exercise and good snacking habits by students.

February 14, 2018

Partners No More

The United Kingdom's departure from the European Union could lead to other splits among the U.K.'s constituent parts, such as Scotland, says Seth Jolly, associate professor of political science. Jolly, who specializes in European regionalist movements, believes that the EU has strengthened the emergence of regionalist mentalities throughout Europe.

February 14, 2018

Monnat participates in NY Times panel on solving opioid problem

"I would include in this funding building opportunities/outlets for social cohesion, community engagement and civic participation," says Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, on how she would spend a hypothetical budget of $100 billion to solve the opioid crisis.

February 14, 2018

Elizabeth Cohen talks to WAER about US immigration

"There’s a set of priorities and most of the people have been waiting in the queue for years; frequently, even decades. So, we do not have large flows of people coming into this country based on any kind of chain system," says Elizabeth F. Cohen, professor of political science.

February 13, 2018

Kristi Andersen and the MAX Courses

Now in her third year as Chapple Professor, Kristi Andersen works with the diverse MAX Course teaching teams to identify the critical issues and debates that will be the focus each year — such as the electoral process, health care reform, education, and Social Security. "One of its goals is to teach students how to be critical consumers of data as citizens as well as potentially as policy analysts or working in some social science-related occupation," Andersen says.

February 12, 2018

The Hopes of a Continent

By training the next generation of government leaders, the Maxwell School builds a stronger future for Africa.

February 12, 2018

90th Anniversary Observances

To celebrate its anniversary and extend its legacy of public service, the Maxwell School last fall created the Moynihan Spirit of Public Service Award. Inaugural honoree Lauren Bush Lauren, founder and CEO of FEED Projects, received the award at Maxwell’s 90th anniversary event on November 20.
February 10, 2018

Gathering in Washington

In November, Maxwell held a second anniversary party — at the School’s home in D.C., the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Among highlights was the awarding of the new Moynihan Spirit of Public Service Award.

February 10, 2018

90th Anniversary Party

One of the highlights of Maxwell’s 90th anniversary celebrations this year was a school-wide party. Notably, the Passport to Our Past activity invited people to carry a small, informative mock passport to stations at departments, centers, and institutes around the School, thus reminding those “travelers” of all the individual enterprises that make up Maxwell.

February 10, 2018

See related: School History

Anxious Politics

A new book by political scientist Shana Gadarian explores how anxiety over public threats affects the political arena.

February 10, 2018

Even More Connections

The Maxwell Citizenship Initiative aims to identify common interests in citizenship issues among faculty and students throughout the school, and then to provide new avenues and support for sharing ideas and collaborating. “Our goal,” says Prema Kurien, professor of sociology and one of the founders of the project, “is to create faculty clusters based on research interests.”

February 10, 2018

See related: School History

Madam Secretary

Visiting campus in April, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright shared insights from her storied career with students and the University community.

February 10, 2018

2011-16: The James Steinberg Years

The Maxwell School changed, grew and celebrated during Dean Steinberg’s five-year term. 

February 10, 2018

See related: School History

Closing a Five-Year Chapter

As he completes his deanship, James Steinberg reflects on the Maxwell School, its strengths and accomplishments, and his own priorities as a dean and teacher.

February 10, 2018

School Policies and Healthy Kids

Moynihan Professor Amy Ellen Schwartz is exploring whether public intervention on the nutrition and fitness of students is well-applied and effective. In regards to students health, she asks “We’ve done everything we can to incentivize teachers to do better,” Schwartz says. “Now it’s time to ask, who else? How can we leverage others to help students succeed?”

February 10, 2018

Inarguable Legacy

A new faculty scholars program, which recognizes top teachers with a special emphasis on lower-division, team-taught, interdisciplinary courses, is named the Robert D. McClure Professors of Teaching Excellence, named Bob McClure, former associate dean and current professor at the Maxwell School.

February 10, 2018

See related: Giving, School History

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