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Banks speaks with Bloomberg Radio about the FISA extension

William Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs, discusses the House’s passage of an extension to the Foreign intelligence Surveillance Act.

January 16, 2018

Reeher weighs in on misconduct charge against NY Senator in Daily Star

"Whatever damage takes place here would not happen in a vacuum," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science, about the unwritten rule in the Capitol, often called the Bear Mountain Bridge Compact, that dictates: "What happens in Albany stays in Albany."

January 16, 2018

Karas Montez paper on college major, health cited in Pacific Standard

A research study co-authored by Jennifer Karas Montez, Gerald B. Cramer Faculty Scholar of Aging Studies, was referenced in the Pacific Standard article, "Your College Major Predicts Midlife Health." "Compared to adults who majored in one of the most health-advantaged fields—business—adults majoring in some fields, such as psychology/social work and law/public policy, have nearly twice the odds of poor health," reports the research team led by Karas Montez. 
January 12, 2018

Khalil's America's Dream Palace among Foreign Affairs' Best of 2017

America's Dream Palace: Middle East Expertise and the Rise of the National Security State, written by Osamah Khalil, was named one of Foreign Affairs' Best Books of 2017. John Waterbury, who reviewed the book, said "This is the work of a young but mature historian: thoroughly documented, carefully argued, and well crafted." 01/11/18
January 11, 2018

Miriam Elman discusses Israel's ban of pro-BDS orgs in Forward

Israel recently published a list of 20 mainly European and U.S.-based pro-BDS organizations whose senior members will be automatically barred from entering Israel, a move that Miriam Elman, associate professor of political science, says is long overdue.

January 11, 2018

White weighs in on political attraction of celebrities in Christian Science Monitor

"There’s a possibility that a lot of people view the president as being the spokesperson for the country, and what it stands for and values," says Steven White, assistant professor of political science. "They see Oprah as able to espouse a world view that inspires them."

January 11, 2018

Khalil op-ed on Trump's decision on Jerusalem published in Al-Jazeera

"President Donald Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is the culmination of U.S. foreign policy over seven decades in which the goal of the peace process has been to impose a solution on the Palestinians," writes Osamah Khalil, associate professor of history.

January 9, 2018

Banks analyzes Republican complaints against FBI on Bloomberg Radio

"It is fair to wonder about the [Christopher] Steele dossier and how it came into the hands of our intelligence community," said William Banks, professor of public administration and international affairs. "The bottom line, however, is that whatever role this dossier has played, our intelligence community had other sources that would have led them to the information about the Russian interference in the election even if Steele had never tried to share his dossier with the United States."

January 9, 2018

Faricy cited in Washington Post article on welfare

In his book "Welfare for the Wealthy," Christopher Faricy, associate professor of political science, points out the federal government is hardly generous with the poor alone and the same pattern holds in health care and education.

January 8, 2018

Mitra gives keynote at Workshop in Economic Research at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore

Devashish Mitra, Gerald B. and Daphna Cramer Professor of Global Affairs, argues that trade has been beneficial to developing countries in Asia, with competition leading to higher productivity, lower price-cost markups and lower poverty.

January 5, 2018

Reeher speaks with Governing about shared municipal services

"There’s resistance to change in procedures when there is a vested interest in the way things are being done," says Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute.

January 5, 2018

Banks discusses controversial FISA program on Bloomberg Radio

William Banks was a guest on Bloomberg Radio's Politics, Policy, Power and Law for the segment, "Congress Faces Deadline on Controversial FISA Program." Banks discusses the odds of reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act of 2008 by congress. This act allows the NSA to collect emails and other communications from U.S companies while pursuing overseas foreign targets, bringing up questions of personal freedoms in congressional debates.
January 4, 2018

Reeher weighs in on Dems using tax bill to gain votes in the Hill

Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, says Democrats have benefited so far from positive press coverage but that it could be harder to attack the bill if taxpayers start to see some benefits in their paychecks.

January 4, 2018

Perreault quoted in Guardian article on vanishing lake in Bolivia

Tom Perreault, professor of geography, says water withdrawals for irrigation from upstream rivers reduce the lake’s size, along with the huge amount of water used by nearby mines, and the contamination they produce.

January 4, 2018

Thomsen quoted in Orange County Register on growing women’s movement in politics

Danielle Thomsen, assistant professor of political science, was interviewed for the Orange County Register article, "Looming ‘Year of the Woman’ could tilt area Congressional races." "If it’s going to be a wave of change, it’s not just going to be because of the candidates," says Thomsen. "It’s going to be because there’s a wave of discontent with the policies and efforts of the Republican Party."
January 3, 2018

Karas Montez research cited in Chronicle article on health, education

A 2014 research study on education and mortality among U.S. adults, co-authored by Jennifer Karas Montez, Gerald B. Cramer Faculty Scholar of Aging Studies, was cited in the Chronicle of Higher Education article, "Why Education Matters to Your Health." 
January 3, 2018

Reeher weighs in on potential NY candidates for 2020 presidential race

"Having that level of quality to choose from is probably a good thing for the Democratic Party," says Grant Reeher, director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, about the high caliber of New York candidates.

January 3, 2018

Boroujerdi discusses Iran protests in Daily News, ThinkProgress

"President Trump and his administration claim that they are fully supportive of the protestors in Iran and warn the Iranian state that crackdown will have consequences," says Mehrzad Boroujerdi, professor of political science. "To many Iranians, the expression of support for the 'great Iranian people' from a man who put Iran on his Muslim travel ban rings rather hollow," he adds. 

January 3, 2018


We provided detail on CNY and NYC, historical data for both regions, and a map of the data that illustrates how the regions differ spatially.
January 1, 2018

Online and Intense

Maxwell's new online EMPA is structured to meet the demands of the highly experienced, ambitious students it attracts.

January 1, 2018

See related: Student Experience

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