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Center for Policy Research News

Michelmore paper on targeting low-income students for college released

A study by Katherine Michelmore, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs, suggests that low-income students are more likely to apply to selective colleges if they’re aware that they can receive financial aid.

December 13, 2018

Baltagi awarded 2018 Kuwait Prize in Economics by KFAS

Badi Baltagi, Distinguished Professor of Economics, was awarded the 2018 Kuwait Prize in Economics and Social Sciences (Economy) by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS). The Kuwait Prize recognizes Arab scientists across the globe who have made outstanding lifetime contributions in their research fields. Baltagi is being recognized for his distinguished scientific research in theoretical and applied panel data econometrics. He received the award during a ceremony in Kuwait on December 5, 2018. 12/11/18
December 11, 2018

Bifulco's research on Say Yes program cited in article

Robert Bifulco, professor of public administration and international affairs, found gains in Buffalo after Say Yes when studying the scores of individual students, not just the district as a whole.

December 10, 2018

Monnat weighs in on two NYS proposals to combat drug crisis on NPR

According to Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, politicians are looking for quick fixes because of their short terms in office and public health in the U.S. too often treats problems after they appear. "If we were to invest similar money into revitalizing social infrastructure and economic infrastructure and our educational system we would see long term benefits," she says. 

December 10, 2018

Lopoo study on health insurance and human capital published in Jour of Health Politics, Policy & Law

Leonard M. Lopoo, Emily B. Cardon & Kerri M. Raissian
November 30, 2018

Shybalkina, Bifulco article on participatory budgeting published

Iuliia Shybalkina & Robert Bifulco
November 29, 2018

Maxwell X Lab helps City of Syracuse recoup $1.4 million in overdue property taxes

So far, the initiative has helped the City to recoup more than $1.4 million in overdue property taxes, and hundreds of additional properties were prompted to get current on their bills, preventing more costly and troublesome outcomes for both the owner and the City alike. Furthermore, the project has established a costless change to city tax collection processes that has the potential to produce benefits for years to come.
November 13, 2018

See related: State & Local

Heflin study on SNAP benefits, childhood asthma published

Colleen Heflin, Irma Arteaga, Leslie Hodges, Jean Felix Ndashiyme & Matthew P. Rabbitt
November 5, 2018

Monnat discusses opioid crisis, rural challenges in WSKG article

According to Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, the opioid crisis is not disproportionately rural, but mortality rates among different rural areas vary drastically, depending on factors such as work stability and social infrastructure like churches or sport leagues. 

October 25, 2018

Alumnus Josh Aviv wins $1 million startup competition

Joshua Aviv ’14 BA (Econ)/G’17 (iSchool), founder and CEO of SparkCharge, a company that produces a portable, fast charging battery unit for electric vehicles, has earned the top prize of $1 million at 43North, a Buffalo N.Y.-based startup competition.
October 4, 2018

Heflin and Rothbart receive grant to study SNAP and school readiness

Colleen Heflin and Michah Rothbart, professor and assistant professor, respectively, of public administration and international affairs, have received a $100,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to research the relationship between student participation in the U.S. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and school readiness. The results of the study will help the USDA understand both the effectiveness and efficiency of the SNAP program.

October 2, 2018

Popp paper on environmental regulation and green skills published in JAERE

Francesco Vona, Giovanni Marin, Davide Consoli & David Popp
September 30, 2018

See related: Environment

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Center for Policy Research Events

Volcker Symposium - Promoting Pro-Social Behavior

Strasser Legacy Room, 220 Eggers Hall

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The topic of this year's symposium is "Promoting Pro-Social Behavior." Panelists include Alix Barasch (NYU), Syon Bhanot (Swarthmore College), Sandra Goff (Skidmore College), and Sandra Polania-Reyes (Notre Dame). For more information about this event, please contact Katrina Fiacchi at or visit the Volcker Symposium website

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