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Renewable Energy Policies and Technological Innovation: Evidence Based on Patent Counts

Nick Johnstone, Ivan Haščič & David Popp
August 18, 2009

See related: Climate Change, Energy

Financial Development and Openness: Evidence from Panel Data

Badi H.Baltagi, Panicos O.Demetriades & Siong Hook Law
June 30, 2009

See related: Trade

The Effect of Parental Medicaid Expansions on Job Mobility

Sarah Hamersma & Matthew Kim
June 30, 2009

Taxing Capital Gains in Australia: Assessment and Recommendations

Leonard E. Burman, Chris Evans & Richard Krever
March 24, 2009

See related: Taxation

Does Prenatal WIC Participation Improve Birth Outcomes? New Evidence From Florida

David Figlio, Sarah Hamersma & JeffreyRoth
January 31, 2009

Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Applications

Badi H. Baltagi
January 1, 2009

The Impact of School District Consolidation on Housing Prices

Yue Hu & John Yinger
November 30, 2008

See related: Education

Estimating Regional Trade Agreement Effects on FDI in an Interdependent World

Badi H.Baltagi, PeterEgger & Michael Pfaffermayr
June 30, 2008

The No Child Left Behind Act: Have Federal Funds Been Left Behind?

William Duncombe, Anna Lukemeyer & John Yinger
June 30, 2008

See related: Education

Who's on First? Ordering and Revenue in Art Auctions.

Harrison G. Hong, Ilan, Jeffrey D. Kubik, J. Mei & Michael J. Moses
May 31, 2008

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Center for Policy Research
426 Eggers Hall