South Asia Center
Professional Development for Higher Education Faculty

Community College Internationalization Fellowship
Faculty of any discipline at two-year institutions in Upstate New York can prepare students to become global-minded citizens, collaborating with the South Asia Center at Syracuse University and Cornell University’s area studies programs.
Projects may include a new course, a new unit for an existing course, or a service learning component to an existing course that encourages the exchange of diverse perspectives. See project titles from current and previous Community College Internationalization fellows.

Global Education Faculty Fellowship
School of education faculty in Upstate New York can prepare our region’s future teachers to teach about diverse countries and cultures by collaborating with Cornell’s area studies programs and the South Asia Center.
We seek projects that integrate global and intercultural experiences from at least one world area into teacher training curricula.

Overseas Faculty Development Workshops
Community college faculty across the United States participate in short-term professional development workshops, organized by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers, in India or Pakistan.