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PARCC- Summer Institute for Creative Collaboration and Conflict Resolution

HL 211

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Negotiation: Theory and Practice

MAY 22 - MAY 27 (Sunday 4-9pm; Monday-Friday 9am-5pm)

Instructor: Robert Rubinstein 

This course introduces negotiation theory and the skills associated with successful practice. It explores tensions between distributive and integrative negotiation, principles of interest-based negotiation, importance of preparation, sources of power, role of culture, and ways to overcome dirty tricks and other barriers to successful negotiation. An interactive learning approach is featured, using lecture, discussion, exercises and simulations, to build personal capacities for successful negotiating. Exercises include two-person to more complex multi-party negotiations, in both domestic and international cases.

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Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration
400 Eggers Hall