Maxwell Faculty and Students To Be Honored at 2023 One University Awards
The One University Awards Ceremony, an annual event to honor members of the Syracuse University community who are making a difference through academics, scholarship, creative work and dedicated service, will be held Friday, April 21.
See related: Awards & Honors
Hern Examines How African Countries Achieve Political and Economic Success in New Book
Erin Hern, associate professor of political science, has written “Explaining Success in Africa: Things Don’t Always Fall Apart” (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2023). The book focuses on normalizing the success of countries and analyzing their progress amid adverse circumstances.
See related: Africa (Sub-Saharan), Government
Thompson Discusses Trump’s Arraignment with CNY Central, 570 WSYR
“This is not the end of what may happen,” says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science. “It may in fact be the beginning. We've never seen this before, and I don't think we can dismiss it as a partisan political act. Certainly, there have been other presidents who have had strong opposition in the past and yet they have not faced this kind of jeopardy.”
See related: Crime & Violence, Federal, U.S. Elections, United States
Lamis Abdelaaty Receives Gerda Henkel Foundation Grant to Support Book Research
The associate professor of political science will examine what constitutes a refugee crisis in her second book.
See related: Grant Awards, Refugees
Taylor Quoted in Vox Article on Russian Paramilitary Network the Wagner Group
“Wagner was a very useful stopgap in that period between when [Russia] had so many of their regular forces attrited and Putin came around to the realization that he had no choice but to bring in hundreds of thousands of more people. That may, in some sense, prove to be that Wagner is at its sort of height of influence,” says Brian Taylor, professor of political science.
See related: Conflict, International Affairs, Russia, Ukraine
Putin’s War of Recolonization
"Putin’s War of Recolonization," co-authored by Maxwell professors Renée de Nevers and Brian Taylor, was published in the Journal of Democracy.
See related: Conflict, International Affairs, Russia, Ukraine
Huber Talks to Real Change News About Carbon Pricing Programs
The fact that the costs of compliance are typically borne by workers and consumers is a fundamental flaw of carbon pricing programs, says Matthew Huber, professor of geography and the environment. It’s one that, he suggests, has led to the Biden administration’s relatively skeptical stance on cap-and-trade programs.
See related: Climate Change, State & Local, United States
Abdelaaty Receives ISA Ethnicity, Nationalism & Migration Studies Section’s Distinguished Book Award
"Discrimination and Delegation: Explaining State Responses to Refugees" (Oxford University Press, 2021), written by Associate Professor of Political Science Lamis Abdelaaty, received the Distinguished Book Award from the International Studies Association's Ethnicity, Nationalism, & Migration Studies section.
See related: Awards & Honors, Middle East & North Africa, Refugees
Russell Sage Foundation Awards Grant for Kristy Buzard’s Research Project ‘Who Ya Gonna Call?’
Buzard, associate professor of economics, is part of a three-member team that will explore the extent to which mothers are more likely than fathers to be contacted by their child’s school.
See related: Child & Elder Care, Gender and Sex, Grant Awards, United States
McCormick Comments on the Use of Military Force Against Mexican Drug Cartels in Dallas Morning News
Gladys McCormick, associate professor of history, says Mexico already has a significant police and military presence on its side of the border and efforts to confront the cartels militarily have not solved the problem. “It’s been tried and it has failed colossally,” McCormick says. “So the idea to sort of try it again to me sounds utterly irresponsible.”
See related: Conflict, Congress, Latin America & the Caribbean, Terrorism & Extremism, United States
Griffiths Contributes to New Book on Self-Determination and Secession
Ryan Griffiths, associate professor of political science, has contributed to and co-edited “The Routledge Handbook of Self-Determination and Secession” (Routledge, 2023). It investigates debates surrounding issues of self-determination and secession as well as the legal, political and normative implications they give rise to.
See related: International Affairs, Law, National Security
Taylor Discusses Russian Political Stability at CNAS Forum and in Washington Times Article
As we pass the one-year anniversary of Russia’s war in Ukraine, numerous factors such as the Russian military’s poor performance, Putin’s botched mobilization, mounting casualties, economic challenges resulting from sanctions and export controls, and increasingly visible elite fissures are raising questions about the political stability of the Russian regime. Brian Taylor, professor of political science, weighs in.
See related: Conflict, International Affairs, Russia, Ukraine
Thompson Quoted in France 24 Article on Nikki Haley and Donald Trump
"Nikki Haley has to negotiate the very thin line between differentiating herself from Donald Trump and still appealing to—or not alienating herself from—his supporters, who still constitute the vast majority of CPAC activists and GOP primary participants," says Margaret Susan Thompson, associate professor of history and political science.
See related: Federal, U.S. Elections, United States
Sultana Talks to Inside Climate News About the COP27 Loss and Damage Agreement
“When you can’t adapt to climate change at all and face interconnected issues surrounding loss and damage, the unbearable heaviness of climate coloniality is worsened,” says Farhana Sultana, professor of geography and the environment. “This means destruction, devastation and loss are so profound that one can’t finance one’s way out of it.”
See related: Climate Change, Colonialism, International Agreements
Purser Discusses the Impact of Short-Duration Strikes in Bloomberg Law Article
“They capture the attention of management in a much more dramatic way than other forms of action and negotiation,” says Gretchen Purser, associate professor of sociology. “They’re showing the capacity for the workers to take collective action.”
See related: Labor, United States
Griffiths Speaks with Pluribus News About American Secessionist Movements
“Those processes, they’re hard to pull off. You need to have both sides in agreement. It just doesn’t happen that much,” says Ryan Griffiths, associate professor of political science. “The thresholds for success are just too high to make it work.”
See related: Political Parties, Rural Issues, State & Local, United States
One Year Later: Taylor Talks to WRVO About the Invasion Into Ukraine
For Brian Taylor, professor of political science, the biggest take from the one-year anniversary is Ukraine is still standing. "A year ago a lot of people might not have expected that, given Russia’s size, the size of the population, the size of its army, the size of its economy," Taylor says.
Taylor Speaks with La Presse About the War in Ukraine, Russia’s Persistence
The concentration of troops in the east of the country shows that the Russian president has not given up on his goal of enslaving Ukraine despite multiple setbacks since the launch of the invasion, says Brian Taylor, professor of political science.
Taylor Speaks with La Presse About Russian Oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin
"My impression is that his power and visibility have increased a lot since the start of the war in Ukraine," says Brian Taylor, professor of political science. "He's a much more public figure than a year ago, and I think that reflects his ambition. And, up to a certain point, the impression it has of its current usefulness."
See related: International Affairs, Russia
Abdelaaty Selected as a 2023 Migration Politics Residential Fellow
As a fellow, Lamis Abdelaaty, associate professor of political science, will work on her proposal, "The Emissary Speaks: Political Agency in Refugee-UNHCR Correspondence."
See related: Awards & Honors, International Agreements, Migration, Refugees
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Conversations in Conflict Studies with Professor Sabina Schnell
400 Eggers Hall, the PARCC Conference Room
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Vision, Voice, and Technology: Is There a Global "Open Government" Trend?
Sabina Schnell, Assistant Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs.
“Open government” is being hailed as a new governance paradigm. But while everybody pays lip-service to it, are governments around the world becoming more open? I look at changes in both the meaning and the practice of government openness around the world in the last decades. A few main trends are identified. First, the technological meaning of openness is increasingly supplanting the rights-based understanding of it. Second, even though more and more countries are joining global transparency and openness initiatives, global averages on budget transparency or open data have barely budged. Third, while autocracies are catching up to democracies in terms of using online tools to inform and consult citizens, we see an incipient democratic rollback around the world, including a shrinking space for civil society. Yet, the most significant changes in government transparency (“vision”) and citizen participation (“voice”) have gone hand-in-hand with processes of democratization. I conclude that, if we narrow down government openness to a set of tools and technologies used at will, as opposed to a set of legally embedded rights that guarantee access to information and participation independent of who is in power, we risk ending up with governments that are more closed rather than more open to genuine societal inputs.
Conversations in Conflict Studies is a weekly educational speaker series for students, faculty, and the community. The series, sponsored by PARCC, draws its speakers from Syracuse University faculty, national and international scholars and activists, and PhD students. Pizza is served. Follow us on Twitter @PARCCatMaxwell, tweet #ConvoInConflict.
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