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Work for a Harmonious World

Research Areas

Detail Dove Pablo Picasso Guernica in Amsterdams Stedelijk Museum 11 July 1956

Advocacy and Activism

We define “activism” and “social movements” as collective action to exert pressure on centers of power in order to remedy grievances and felt injustices.

While this program is committed to understanding and analyzing all kinds of activism, it has a special interest in movements of populations that are socially, culturally and economically marginalized.

Collaborative Governance

We examine the processes and structures that enable organizations to work across boundaries to address public problems.

Through research and the Collaborative Governance Initiative, PARCC faculty elevate our understanding of the best practices of collaborative governance.

Environmental Conflict and Collaboration

We examine how the solutions developed to address environmental challenges, such as climate change, energy production, water provision, biodiversity conservation, might yield the possibility for both unparalleled conflict and unprecedented collaboration.

International and Intra-State Conflict

We aim to understand the origins and dynamics of international and civil conflicts, and the means by which they can be resolved.

At the crossroads of the fields of security studies and peace studies, our work is interdisciplinary, methodologically pluralist, and cross-regional in focus, with faculty specializing in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

Apply for a PARCC Mini-Grant by April 15

PARCC offers mini-grants in two tracks: (1) conflict and collaboration, and (2) the John Burdick mini-grant for social movements and social change. Awards range from $500-$2,500 to support research activities in our areas of focus. The awards selection is based on potential contribution to scholarship, possibility of future funding, consistency with the goals of PARCC and cost-effectiveness. Syracuse University and SUNY-ESF faculty and students are eligible to apply.

Learn More

April 2, 2025

Life Together Leadership Fellows - Session 4

Eggers Hall, 220


April 18, 2025

Conflict Management Center Workshop - Design Thinking

Eggers Hall, 220


Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration
400 Eggers Hall