Shannon Monnat
Professor, Sociology Department
Lerner Chair in Public Health Promotion and Population Health
Director and Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research
Co-Director, Policy, Place, and Population Health Lab
Faculty Affiliate, Aging Studies Institute
Research Affiliate, Center for Aging and Policy Studies
- 2025 Spring
- SOC 667 Population Processes
- 2023 Fall
- SOC 667 Population Processes
Highest degree earned
Shannon Monnat is the Lerner Chair in Public Health Promotion and Population Health, director of the Center for Policy Research, and professor of sociology in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University.
Monnat is a rural demographer and population health scholar whose research examines trends and geographic differences in health and mortality, with a special interest in rural health and health disparities. She is a leading national expert on structural and spatial determinants of drug overdose and other deaths of despair. Her most recent research has focused on geographic differences in COVID-19 experiences and impacts.
She has published over 70 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and she regularly writes policy briefs for non-academic audiences. Monnat has been the PI or co-investigator on externally funded projects totaling over $12 million, including from the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Justice, United States Department of Agriculture, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and Institute for New Economic Thinking.
She currently leads a NIDA-funded project to examine the effects of state’s COVID-19 mitigation policies on working-age adult psychological well-being, drug overdose, and suicide and co-leads an NIA-funded project on how state policies and county economic conditions have jointly contributed to the large and growing geographic disparities in midlife mortality, psychosocial wellbeing, and health behaviors in the U.S.
Monnat teaches courses in demographic processes and health and place.
Areas of Expertise
Research Grant Awards and Projects
"Interdisciplinary Network on Rural Population Health and Aging", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.
"Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.
"A Next Generation Data Infrastructure to Understand Disparities across the Life Course", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.
"Geographic Trends And Disparities In Psychosocial Wellbeing, Health Behaviors, And Mortality In Midlife", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.
"Enhancing the Utility of the National Wellbeing Survey to Understand Rural-Urban Differences in the Impacts of COVID-19 on Adult Psychological Wellbeing and Substance Use", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.
"Implementing Plans of Safe Care for Pregnant Women and Mothers with Substance Use Disorders", Sponsored by Mother Cabrini Health Foundation.
"States' COVID-19 Mitigation Policies and Psychological Health, Drug Overdose, and Suicide among U.S. Adults", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.
"Center for Aging and Policy Studies", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.
"Implementing and Evaluating the Efficacy of a New Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Plan of Safe Care", Sponsored by Mother Cabrini Health Foundation.
"Building Drug Intelligence Networks to Combat the Opioid Crisis in Rural Communities: A Collaborative Intelligence-led Policing Strategy", Sponsored by National Institute of Justice/Department of Justice.
"New York Opioid Court Treatment Enhancement Project", Sponsored by Department of Justice.
"Interdisciplinary Network on Rural Aging", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.
"Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America", Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NIH)/DHHS.
"Local Initiatives, State Preemption, and Public Health", Sponsored by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
"Understanding Opioid Risks in Rural and Micropolitan Communities: Economic Restructuring, Social Disorganization, and Local Responses", Sponsored by Department of Agriculture.
"The Effect of Medicaid Expansion on Mortality Disparities and Poverty", Sponsored by National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities .
Selected Publications
- Book
- Slack, T., Monnat, S. M., Rural and Small Town America: Composition, Context, and Complexities. University of California Press, 2024.
- Journal Articles
- Zhang, X., Monnat, S. M., "Watchful, skeptics, and system distrusters: Characteristics associated with different types of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among U.S. working-age adults." Vaccine, 2024.
- Wolf, D. A., Monnat, S. M., Wiemers, E. E., Sun, Y., Zhang, X., Grossman, E. and Montez, J. K., "State COVID-19 Policies and Drug Overdose Mortality Among Working-Age Adults in the United States, 2020." American Journal of Public Health, 2024.
- Zhang, X., Rhubart, D. C. and Monnat, S. M., "Social Infrastructure Availability and Suicide Rates among Working-Age Adults in the United States." Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 2024.
- Keyes, K. M., Kandula, S., Martinez-Ales, G., Gimbrone, C., Joseph, V., Monnat, S. M., Rutherford, C., Olfson, M., Gould, M. S. and Shaman, J., "Geographic Variation, Economic Activity, and Labor Market Characteristics in Trajectories of Suicide in the United States, 2008 to 2020." American Journal of Epidemiology, 2024.
- Zhang, X., Monnat, S. M., "Geographically Specific Associations Between County-Level Socioeconomic and Household Distress and Mortality from Drug Poisoning, Suicide, Alcohol, and Homicide among Working-Age Adults in the United States." SSM: Population Health, 2024.
- Santos, A. R., Howard, J. T., Monnat, S. M., Sliwinski, M. and Jensen, L., "Age Differences in Allostatic Load among Adults in the United States by Rural-Urban Residence." SSM-Population Health , 2023.
- Monnat, S. M., Elo, I. T., "Editorial: Geographic inequalities in health and mortality: factors contributing to trends and differentials.." Frontiers in public health, 2023.
- Jones, M., Bhattar, M., Henning, E. and Monnat, S. M., "Explaining the U.S. rural disadvantage in COVID-19 case and death rates during the Delta-Omicron surge: The role of politics, vaccinations, population health, and social determinants.." Social science & medicine , 2023.
- Monnat, S. M., Wheeler, D. C., Wiemers, E. E., Sun, Y., Sun, X., Wolf, D. A. and Montez, J. K., "U.S. States' COVID-19 physical distancing policies and working-age adult mental health outcomes.." Preventive medicine reports, 2023.
- Green, J. J., Monnat, S. M., Jensen, L., Hunter, L. and Sliwinski, M., "Rural Population Health and Aging: Introduction to the Special Issue." Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 2022.
- Sun, Y., G. Cheng, K. J. and Monnat, S. M., "Rural-Urban and Within-Rural Differences in COVID-19 Mortality Rates." Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 2022.
- Clark, S., Lawrence, E. M. and Monnat, S. M., "Support from Adult Children and Parental Health in Rural America." Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 2022.
- Monnat, S. M., Elo, I. T., "Enhancing the Utility of the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) to Identify Drivers of Rising Mortality Rates in the United States." Forum for Health Economics and Policy, 2022.
- Wolf, D. A., Montez, J. K. and Monnat, S. M., "U.S. State Preemption Laws and Working-Age Mortality." American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2022.
- Pendergrast, C. B., Monnat, S. M., "Perceived impacts of COVID-19 on wellbeing among US working-age adults with ADL difficulty." Disability and Health Journal, 2022.
- Montez, J. K., Mehri, N., Monnat, S. M., Beckfield, J., Chapman, D., Grumbach, J. M., Hayward, M. D., Woolf, S. H. and Zajacova, A., "U.S. state policy contexts and mortality of working-age adults." PLoS ONE, 2022.
- Monnat, S. M., "Demographic and Geographic Variation in Fatal Drug Overdoses in the United States, 1999–2020." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2022.
- Sun, Y., Monnat, S. M., "Rural-urban and within-rural differences in COVID-19 vaccination rates." Journal of Rural Health, 2022.
- Hochstetler, A., Peters, D. J. and Monnat, S. M., "Prescription Opioid Resiliency and Vulnerability: A Mixed-Methods Comparative Case Study." American Journal of Criminal Justice, 2022.
- Rhubart, D., Sun, Y., Pendergrast, C. and Monnat, S. M., "Sociospatial Disparities in "Third Place" Availability in the United States." Socius, 2022.
- Zhang, X., Monnat, S. M., "Racial/ethnic differences in clusters of adverse childhood experiences and associations with adolescent mental health." SSM - Population Health, 2022.
- Rhubart, D. C., Monnat, S. M., "Self-Rated Physical Health Among Working-Aged Adults Along the Rural-Urban Continuum — United States, 2021." MMWR Recommendations and Reports, 2022.
- Rhubart, D. C., Monnat, S. M., Jensen, L. and Pendergrast, C., "The Unique Impacts of U.S. Social and Health Policies on Rural Population Health and Aging." Public Policy and Aging Report, 2021.
- Monnat, S. M., "Rural-Urban Variation in COVID-19 Experiences and Impacts among U.S. Working-Age Adults." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2021.
- Chapman, A., Verdery, A. M. and Monnat, S. M., "Opioid misuse and family structure: Changes and continuities in the role of marriage and children over two decades." Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2021.
- Wolf, D. A., Monnat, S. M. and Montez, J. K., "Effects of US state preemption laws on infant mortality." Preventive Medicine, 2021.
- Monnat, S. M., "Trends in U.S. Working-Age non-Hispanic White Mortality: Rural–Urban and Within-Rural Differences." Population Research and Policy Review, 2020.
- Kaplan, M. S., Kerr, W. C., McFarland, B. H., Bensley, K., Caetano, R., Giesbrecht, N., Monnat, S. M. and Nolte, K. B., "A reply to Monteiro et al.'s (2020) 'alcohol policy and coronavirus: An open research agenda'." Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2020.
- Cheng, K. J., Sun, Y. and Monnat, S. M., "COVID-19 Death Rates Are Higher in Rural Counties With Larger Shares of Blacks and Hispanics." Journal of Rural Health, 2020.
- Jensen, L., Monnat, S. M., Green, J. J., Hunter, L. M. and Sliwinski, M. J., "Rural population health and aging: Toward a multilevel and multidimensional research agenda for the 2020s." American Journal of Public Health, 2020.
- Peters, D. J., Monnat, S. M., Hochstetler, A. L. and Berg, M. T., "The Opioid Hydra: Understanding Overdose Mortality Epidemics and Syndemics Across the Rural-Urban Continuum." Rural Sociology, 2020.
- Verdery, A. M., England, K., Chapman, A., Luo, L., McLean, K. and Monnat, S. M., "Visualizing Age, Period, and Cohort Patterns of Substance Use in the U.S. Opioid Crisis." Socius, 2020.
- Book Chapters
- Monnat, S. M., "The Opioid Crisis in Rural America: Trends, Causes and Consequences." In Rural Families and Communities. McHale, S., Glick, J. and King, V. (eds.) Springer, 2020.
- Prins, E., Monnat, S. M., "Literacy, Numeracy, and Self-Rated Health among U.S. Adults." In The Wiley Handbook of Adult Literacy. , 2019.
- Monnat, S. M., Chandler, R. F., "Immigration Trends and Immigrant Poverty in Rural America." In Rural Poverty in the United States. Sherman, J., Tickamyer, A. and Warlick, J. (eds.) Columbia University Press, 2017.
- Yamashita, T., Melnyk, T. S., Keene, J. R., Monnat, S. M. and Smedley, A. C., "Ethnicity in ageing America: A tale of cultures and lifecourse." In Population Ageing from a Lifecourse Perspective: Critical and International Approaches. , 2015.
- Horton, H. D., Hixson, L. and Monnat, S. M., "Educational attainment and mortality differentials." In International Encyclopedia of Education. , 2010.
- Editorials
- Monnat, S. M., "The Drug Overdose Crisis Has Affected Some Groups and Places More than Others." Sage Perspectives, 2023.
- Monnat, S. M., "Beyond Rural vs. Urban: The Importance of Considering Heterogeneity in U.S. Rural Health." Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Connections Blog Series, 2017.
- Brown, D. L., Monnat, S. M., "Rural Voters and the Rural Vote in 2016." American Sociological Association Community & Urban Sociology Section Newsletter, 2017.
- Monnat, S. M., "We Cannot Treat Our Way out of This: Why the Remedies Offered by the President’s Commission on Combatting Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis Won’t Fix our Problems." ConvergenceRI, 2017.
- Research Briefs
- Vaitsiakhovich, N., Landes, S. D. and Monnat, S. M., "Differences in Happiness and Perceived Meaning in life between U.S. Working-Age Adults with versus without a Self-Care Disability." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2024.
- Wolf, D. A., Monnat, S. M., Montez, J. K., Wiemers, E. E. and Grossman, E., "States’ COVID-19 Restrictions were Associated with Increases in Drug Overdose Deaths in 2020." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2024.
- Zhang, X., Rhubart, D. and Monnat, S. M., "Suicide Rates are Lower in Places with More Social Infrastructure." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2024.
- Monnat, S. M., Zhang, X., "Which Types of People Were Least Likely to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2024.
- Monnat, S. M., "Which Demographic Groups and Which Places Have the Highest Drug Overdose Rates in the U.S.?." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2023.
- Wolf, D. A., Montez, J. and Monnat, S. M., "Allowing Cities to Mandate Employer Paid Sick Leave Could Reduce Deaths among Working Age Adults." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2022.
- Montez, J. K., Mehri, N. and Monnat, S. M., "Conservative State Policies Contribute to Higher Mortality Rates among Working-Age Americans." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2022.
- Monnat, S. M., "Mortality Rates are Higher in Rural than in Urban Areas, and the Gap is Growing." Rural Population Research Network, 2022.
- Roberts, K., Wilmoth, J. M. and Monnat, S. M., "Resilience is Low among Both Military and Non-Military Populations with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2022.
- Monnat, S. M., "Rural Adults Report Worse COVID-19 Impacts than Urban Adults." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2022.
- Monnat, S. M., "Rural Adults Report Worse Employment and Economic Impacts from COVID-19 than Urban Adults." Rural Population Research Network, 2022.
- Monnat, S. M., Rhubart, D. C., "Rural Working-Age Adults Report Worse Health than their Urban Peers." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2022.
- Wolf, D. A., Monnat, S. M. and Montez, J. K., "Allowing Cities to Raise the Minimum Wage Could Prevent Hundreds of Infant Deaths Annually." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2021.
- Chapman, A., Verdery, A. M. and Monnat, S. M., "Family Ties Protect against Opioid Misuse among U.S. Young Adults." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2021.
- Brown, A. M., Monnat, S. M., "The Public Good, Bad Policies, and Tough Times: When Profit and Public Interests Collide." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2021.
- Schutt, M. K., Monnat, S. M., "The Sugar Industry Gets Rich and We Get Sick." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2021.
- Monnat, S. M., Sun, Y., "Why are COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Lower in Rural than in Urban Areas of the U.S.?." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2021.
- Helander, M. E., Cushman, S. A. and Monnat, S. M., "A Public Health Side Effect of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Screen Time-Related Eye Strain and Eye Fatigue." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2020.
- Monnat, S. M., Cheng, K. J., "COVID-19 Testing Rates are Lower in States with More Black and Poor Residents." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2020.
- Monnat, S. M., Cheng, K. J., "Geographic Disparities in COVID-19 Testing: An Urgent Call to Action." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2020.
- Chandler, R. F., Monnat, S. M. and Sun, Y., "High COVID-19 Mortality Risk in Pennsylvania’s Rural Counties." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2020.
- Monnat, S. M., Sun, Y., "New York State’s Rural Counties have Higher COVID-19 Mortality Risk." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2020.
- Cheng, K. J., Sun, Y. and Monnat, S. M., "Rural COVID-19 Mortality Rates are Highest in Counties with the Largest Percentages of Blacks and Hispanics." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2020.
- Rhubart, D., Monnat, S. M. and Sun, Y., "Rural Ohio Faces High Health Risk During the COVID-19 Pandemic." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2020.
- Monnat, S. M., "The U.S. Rural Mortality Penalty is Wide and Growing." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2020.
- Monnat, S. M., "Why Coronavirus Could Hit Rural Areas Harder." Lerner Center Population Health Research Brief Series, 2020.
- Technical Reports
- Monnat, S. M., Gutin, I., Xue, Z. and Rhubart, D., National Wellbeing Survey (NWS), 2021: Methodology Report. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2024.
- Hochstetler, A., Peters, D. J., Burgason, K., Bouffard, J., Sterner, G. and Monnat, S. M., Building Drug Intelligence Networks to Combat the Opioid Crisis in Rural Communities: A Collaborative Intelligence-Led Policing Strategy. National Institute of Justice, 2023.
- Monnat, S. M., "High and Rising Mortality Rates Among Working-Age Adults." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2021.
- Lounsbery, M. A., Monnat, S. M., Nevada School Wellness Practices: Statewide Report. State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services. , 2015.
- Monnat, S. M., Smedley, A., "Identifying and Describing the Network of Health, Education, and Social Service Non-Profit Organizations in Southern Nevada: Full Report." Las Vegas, NV: The Lincy Institute, 2013.
Presentations and Events
U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), "Three Key Demographic Trends Facing Rural America" (November, 2024)
Vanderbilt University Center for Research on Inequality and Health, "States’ COVID-19 Mitigation Policies, Drug Overdoses, and Suicides among U.S. Working-Age Adults" (October, 2024)
NIH Social, Behavioral, and Economic COVID-19 Coordinating Center Annual Meeting, "Stability and Volatility in the Contextual Predictors of Working-Age Mortality in the U.S. Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic" (June, 2024)
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, "States’ COVID-19 Policies and Suicide among U.S. Working-Age Adults" (April, 2024)
University of Washington Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, "States’ COVID-19 Policies, Psychological Wellbeing, and Drug Overdose among U.S. Working-Age Adults" (March 29, 2024)
Population Reference Bureau, "Writing about Population Research for Non-Scientists" (March 21, 2024)
George M. Beal Distinguished Lectureship in Rural Sociology, Iowa State University, "Population Health in Rural America: Contemporary Trends, Causes, and Complexities" (October 30, 2023)
Association of Population Centers Meeting, "Opportunities for Research/Policy Briefs" (September 22, 2023)
Monnat, S. M., Grove, J. G., Rural Sociological Society, "Rural-Urban Differences in Psychosocial Wellbeing among U.S. Working-Age Adults" (August 4, 2023)
Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology, European Society for Rural Sociology, "What Explains the Rural Disadvantage in COVID-19 Deaths during the Delta-Omicron Wave in the United States?" (July 6, 2023)
REVES (Network on Healthy Life Expectancy), "U.S. States’ Physical Distancing Policies and Working-Age Adult Mental Health Outcomes" (May 24, 2023)
Syracuse University COVID-19 and Policy Conference, Syracuse University, "What Explains the Rural Disadvantage in COVID-19 Deaths during the Delta-Omicron Wave?" (May 19, 2023)
Theodore G. Standing Lecture, University at Albany, SUNY, "Places, Policies, and Population Health: Drug Overdoses, COVID-19, and Long-Term Mortality Trends in Rural America" (April 20, 2023)
Population Association of America , "Associations between States’ COVID-19 Physical Distancing Policies and Working-Age Adult Mental Health Outcomes" (April 13, 2023)
Richmond Fed’s Annual Conference on Investing in Rural America: Connecting What We Know to What We Do: Strengthening Rural Development Strategies through Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, "Rural Health and Health Disparities" (April 11, 2023)
McGill University Centre on Population Dynamics Lecture Series, McGill University Centre on Population Dynamics, "US Rural Population Health in the Context of Drug Overdoses, COVID-19, and Longer-Term Mortality Trends" (April 4, 2023)
The Social and Community Consequences of the Opioid Crisis, American Academy of Political and Social Sciences , "Which Demographic Groups and Which Places Have the Highest Overdose Rates?" (March 23, 2023)
Panel on The Opioid Crisis and the Labor Market, Institute for Research on Poverty, "Demographic and Geographic Variation in Drug Overdose in the United States" (November 16, 2022)
NIH Social, Behavioral, and Economic COVID-19 Coordinating Center Annual Meeting, "Associations between State's COVID-19 Physical Distancing Policies and Working-Age Adult Mental Health Outcomes" (2022)
Monnat, S. M., Wheeler, D., NIH Social, Behavioral, and Economic COVID-19 Conference, "Associations between States' COVID-19 Policies and Mental Health among U.S. Working-Age Adults" (2022)
Controlling the Damage: COVID-19’s Impact on Inequality, American Academy of Political and Social Science and Brookings Institution, "Controlling the Damage: COVID-19’s Impact on Inequality" (2022)
Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, "Demystifying NIH Grants: Funding Mechanisms and the Review Process" (2022)
NIH Social, Behavioral, and Economic COVID-19 Coordinating Center Annual Meeting, "Enhancing the Utility of the National Wellbeing Survey to Understand Rural-Urban Differences in the Impacts of COVID-19 on Adult Psychological Wellbeing and Substance Use" (2022)
Policy Symposium - Population Matters: Demography and Wellbeing in Rural America, Rural Population Research Network, "Population Matters: Demography and Wellbeing in Rural America" (2022)
Monnat, S. M., Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, "Rural Population Health in the Context of Drug Overdoses, COVID-19, and Longer-Term Mortality Trends" (2022)
Congressional Briefing – Small Towns/Big Trends: Demographic Insights on Living, Working, and Thriving in Rural America, Population Association of America; Interdisciplinary Network on Rural Population Health and Aging, "Rural Population Health in the Context of Drug Overdoses, COVID-19, and Longer-Term Mortality Trends" (2022)
Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, "Rural Population Health in the Context of Drug Overdoses, COVID-19, and Longer-Term Mortality Trends" (2022)
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Population Association of America, "Rural-Urban Variation in COVID-19 Experiences and Impacts among U.S. Working-Age Adults" (2022)
ANNALS Special Issue Authors Conference, "Sociodemographic and Geographic Variation in Drug Overdose Rates in the United States" (2022)
National Opioids and Synthetics Coordination Group Webinar, U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy, "Bigger than Opioids: The Social Structural, and Spatial Determinants of the U.S. Overdose Crisis" (2021)
Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, "Disseminating Research to Public Audiences" (2021)
Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities, "Disseminating Your Research to Non-Academic Audiences" (2021)
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Report Release - Public Webinar, "High and Rising Mortality Rates among Working-Age Adults" (2021)
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Report Release - Sponsor Briefing, "High and Rising Mortality Rates among Working-Age Adults" (2021)
NIH Rural Health Day Seminar, "Rural Population Health Amidst Recent Public Health Crises: Drug Overdoses, COVID-19, and Longer-Term Mortality Trends" (2021)
CUNY Institute for Demographic Research Seminar Series, CUNY Institute for Demographic Research, "Rural Population Health in the Context of Drug Overdoses, COVID-19, and Longer-Term Mortality Trends" (2021)
Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, "Rural-Urban and Within-Rural Differences in COVID-19 Experiences and Impacts" (2021)
Annual Meeting of the Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science, Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science, "The Role of Drugs, Alcohol, and Suicide in Shaping Mortality Trends" (2021)
Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, "Trends and Differentials in Working-Age Mortality in the U.S., 1990-2017" (2021)
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, "Trends and Differentials in Working-Age Mortality in the U.S., 1990-2017" (2021)
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, "Webinar on Drugs and Alcohol: High and Rising Mortality Rates among Working Age Adults" (2021)
National Institutes of Health HEAL Initiative, National Institutes of Health HEAL Initiative, "Bigger than Opioids: The Social, Structural, and Spatial Determinants of the U.S. Addiction and Overdose Crisis" (2020)
SU Maxwell Alumni Series, "COVID-19 and Population Health" (2020)
CAPS Annual Meeting, Center for Aging and Policy Studies, "Demographic, Geographic, and Temporal Trends in Mortality from Drugs, Alcohol, and Suicide among U.S. Working-Age Adults" (2020)
Institute for New Economic Thinking , Institute for New Economic Thinking, "Thinking about COVID-19 within the Context of Already Troubling U.S. Health and Mortality Trends" (2020)
Institute for New Economic Thinking Young Scholar Initiative, Institute for New Economic Thinking Young Scholar Initiative, "Three Big Questions for Economists" (2020)
Honors and Accolades
Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence - Faculty Excellence and Scholarly Distinction, Syracuse University: One University Awards (2023)
Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award, Syracuse University (2022)