Baltagi article on simultaneous system of spatial autoregressive equations published in ER
Baltagi article on hedonic housing prices in Paris published in Journal of Applied Econometrics
WP 179 Estimation of Heterogeneous Panels with Structural Breaks
Yinger paper on hedonic markets and sorting equilibria published in Journal of Urban Economics
See related: Housing
Jales article on peer effects in the Brazilian school system published in Applied Economics
Schwartz study on neighbourhood mobility and student outcomes published in Urban Studies
See related: Education
Rosenthal chapter published in Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics
Schwartz chapter on productivity in education published in Handbook of Research in Edu Finance & Pol
WP 177 Adaptive Elastic Net GMM Estimation with Many Invalid Moment Conditions
WP 178 Estimation and Identification of Change Points in Panel Models
Lee article on reducing unmeasured confounding-by-indication published in Statistics in Medicine
WP 174 Random Effects, Fixed Effects and Hausman’s Test for the Generalized Mixed Regressive Panel
WP 173 Firm-level Productivity Spillovers in China’s Chemical Industry
WP 176 On Testing for Sphericity with Non-normality in a Fixed Effects Panel Data Model
WP 175 Sources of Productivity Spillovers: Panel Data Evidence from China
Rosenthal study on tax avoidance and business location published in Journal of Urban Economics
Singleton relationship between disability onset, earnings, and disability insurance published in EL
See related: Health Policy, Insurance, Labor
WP 171 The Spatial Polish Wage Curve with Gender Effects: Evidence from the Polish Labor Survey
WP 169 Treatment Effects with Unobserved Heterogeneity: A Set Identification Approach