WP 189 Asymptotic Power of the Sphericity Test Under Weak and Strong Factors
Schwartz study on effect of a school-based water intervention on child BMI published in JAMA
See related: Natural Resources
Baltagi article on welfare reform and children's health published in Health Economics
Horrace study on endogenous network production functions with selectivity published in JE
WP 188 Prediction in a Generalized Spatial Panel Data Model with Serial Correlation
Flores-Lagunes study on degree attainment published in Economics of Education Review
See related: Crime & Violence, Education
WP 186 The Behavioral Impacts of Property Tax Relief: Salience or Framing?
Flores-Lagunes study on treatment effects of Job Corps training published in JHR
Flores-Lagunes article on open enrollment choice published in RSUE
See related: Education
WP 184 Estimating the Effects of the Minimum Wage in a Developing Country
WP 185 Cointegration of Matched Home Purchases and Rental Price Indexes-Evidence from Singapore
Lee paper on model selection in the presence of incidental parameters published in Jour of Econ
WP 183 Testing For Spatial Lag and Spatial Error Dependence in a Fixed Effects Panel Data Model
WP 182 Health, Medical Innovation and Disability Insurance
See related: Health Policy
Yinger paper on hedonic equilibria in housing markets published in Journal of Housing Economics
Baltagi article on African banks published in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Baltagi article on productivity spillovers in China published in Journal of Applied Econometrics
See related: China
WP 180 Averaged Instrumental Variables Estimators