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Public Administration and International Affairs Department News, Media Commentary and Research

Heflin, Rothbart, Mackenzie-Liu paper published in Population Research and Policy Review

Colleen Heflin, Michah W. Rothbart & Mattie Mackenzie-Liu
August 4, 2021

In Memoriam: Montgomery Meigs, Retired General and Former Bantle Chair

Montgomery C. Meigs, a retired four-star general who commanded U.S. Army forces in Europe and served as the Louis A. Bantle Chair in Business and Government Policy at the Maxwell School, died on July 6, 2021, in Austin, Texas. He was 76.
July 29, 2021

See related: In Memoriam, Veterans

Feeding the Next Generation

Catherine Bertini has guided many students to the World Food Programme, the United Nations organization honored with a Nobel Peace Prize. 
July 27, 2021

A Call to be ‘Audacious and Bold’

Maxwell's advisory board has a vital role in guiding the School's efforts in diversity, equity and inclusion.
July 20, 2021

Popp cited in New York Times article on green jobs

David Popp, professor of public administration and international affairs, is included in the New York Times article, "Building Solar Farms May Not Build the Middle Class."
July 16, 2021

Linking Policy Design, Change and Outputs

Saba Siddiki, Chris Koski
July 14, 2021

See related: Energy

Alumni Spotlight: Into the Fray

Carolyn Bourdeaux ’03 Joins Congress Days Before Capitol Riot
July 12, 2021

Wilcoxen, CEF team release report on 80×30 clean electricity standard

Charles Driscoll, Kathy Fallon Lambert, Peter Wilcoxen, Armistead Russell, Dallas Burtraw, Maya Domeshek, Qasim Mehdi, Huizhong Shen & Petros Vasilakos
July 11, 2021

See related: Climate Change

Michelmore featured in WAER article on changes to Child Tax Credit

Katherine Michelmore, associate professor of public administration and international affairs, was featured in the WAER article, "Could New Child Tax Credit End Poverty for Many US Children? SU Expert on Impact." 
July 6, 2021

Money in the Bank

“The amount of subsidy required to do financial services for the poor is quite small compared with universal education or vaccinating everyone in a country,” says Bob Christen, founder of the Boulder Institute of Microfinance, and a professor of practice at Maxwell. “It’s all about giving people the formal tools to protect themselves from vulnerabilities and achieve their goals.”

June 25, 2021

Wolf Study on Minimum Wage, Infant Mortality Featured on CNY Central

A study by Douglas Wolf, Gerald B. Cramer Professor of Aging Studies, was featured in the CNY Central article "New SU study shows that raising the minimum wage could save lives." 
June 23, 2021

See related: Health Policy, Longevity

Schwartz quoted in EdSurge article on challenges of student mobility

"It’s not like kids are moving from Boston to Chicago to LA and then back again,” says Amy Ellen Schwartz, Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chair in Public Affairs. "Kids for whom housing instability is a problem, many of them are moving around in the same urban area."
June 23, 2021

Grads set to make the world greater, better and more beautiful

The Maxwell School closed its 2020-2021 academic year the same way it met the complications of the COVID-19 pandemic: a mix of health precautions, expanded technology and commitment to tradition. That meant a prerecorded graduate convocation and faculty farewells via video. Maxwell’s May 22 graduate convocation also included speeches and award presentations, capped with recitation of the Athenian Oath.
June 22, 2021

Maxwell scholars publish book on public policy and the life course

Janet M. Wilmoth and Andrew S. London
June 21, 2021

See related: Health Policy

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Public Administration and International Affairs Department
215 Eggers Hall