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Public Administration and International Affairs Department News, Media Commentary and Research

Murrett Talks to CNY Central About the Objects Shot Down in North American Airspace

Right now, it could be any number of things thanks to the high volume of unmanned devices or aircraft that take up space in the sky at any given time, says Vice Adm. (ret.) Robert Murrett, professor of practice of public administration and international affairs.

February 15, 2023

Heflin Discusses Food Insecurity Among Military Families on Military Times Podcast

"Recent data from the Department of Defense indicates that one in four service members were food insecure at the end of 2020," says Colleen Heflin, professor and chair of public administration and international affairs.

February 9, 2023

Williams Reacts to the US Deployment of Tanks to Ukraine in Atlantic Council Article

"The decision of Germany to allow allies to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, as well as Berlin dispatching its own bilateral donation, is a significant symbol of allied commitment to Ukraine, but the implications of this move should not be exaggerated," says Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs.

February 6, 2023

Radcliffe Discusses a Possible Return of Trump to the Presidency in The Hill

"If Trump, unable to accept losing, ignored the available evidence confirming the election’s integrity and really believed it was fraudulent, then his dearth of intellectual honesty renders him cognitively incompetent to hold the most powerful office in the world," says Dana Radcliffe, adjunct professor of public administration and international affairs.

February 2, 2023

Inequality in Literacy Skills at Kindergarten Entry at the Intersections of Social Programs and Race

Michah Rothbart, Colleen Heflin

"Inequality in Literacy Skills at Kindergarten Entry at the Intersections of Social Programs and Race," co-authored by public administration and international affairs professors Michah Rothbart and Colleen Heflin, was published in Children and Youth Services Review.

February 1, 2023

On Tragedy’s Anniversary, Former NASA Leader Sean O’Keefe Reflects on the ‘Price of Diligence’

O’Keefe, a Maxwell School alumnus and Syracuse University Professor, was at the helm 20 years ago when Columbia broke apart while returning from a space research mission. 

January 31, 2023

SNAP Participation, Medication Adherence Among Medicaid-Insured Older Adults with Hypertension

Chinedum O. Ojinnaka, Irma Arteaga, Leslie Hodges, Colleen Heflin

"Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation and Medication Adherence Among Medicaid-Insured Older Adults Living with Hypertension," co-authored by Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs, was published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

January 30, 2023

Williams Discusses NATO’s DIANA Initiative with DefenseScoop

DIANA [Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North-Atlantic] could prove key to facilitating interoperability and a more level playing field between the nations—in emerging tech areas and traditional ones that are rapidly evolving, says Michael Williams, associate professor of public administration and international affairs.

January 27, 2023

Herrold’s “Delta Democracy” Reviewed in Democratization

"Delta Democracy: Pathways to Incremental Civic Revolution in Egypt Beyond" (Oxford University Press, 2020), written by Associate Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs Catherine Herrold, was reviewed in Democratization.

January 27, 2023

Powering the Next Wave of Green Energy Innovation

David Popp, Myriam Grégoire-Zawilski

"Powering the next wave of green energy innovation," co-authored by David Popp, professor of public administration and international affairs, was published in PLOS Climate.

January 17, 2023

In Memoriam: Life Trustee, Maxwell Alumnus and Distinguished Professor Emeritus Walter Broadnax

Public service isn’t about something you do today and then you’re done. It’s about improving our society, improving the world…for the people that live in it.” Words attributed to Walter Broadnax G’75 that defined the way he approached life, education, work and volunteer service. The esteemed Syracuse University alumnus, professor, trustee and benefactor passed away on Dec. 2, 2022, at the age of 78.

January 12, 2023

See related: In Memoriam

Barton Piece on the Problem with Primaries Published in American Purpose

"The Problem with Primaries," written by Richard Barton, assistant teaching professor of public administration and international affairs, was published in American Purpose. "To free political parties from fringe candidates, we need to eliminate primaries that favor extremes," says Barton.

January 12, 2023

Heflin Discusses Seniors’ Use of Food Benefits, Impact on Memory Decline in Neurology Today Article

"Screening for food insecurity can at least provide the clinician some sense of the risks their patients might be facing and their potential negative health consequences," says Colleen Heflin, professor of public administration and international affairs.

January 11, 2023

Murrett Quoted in Newsweek Article on US Providing Aid to Ukraine

"If the U.S. had not worked with our allies and provided substantial military, economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, we would be facing a wide range of strategic threats in Europe and elsewhere," Robert Murrett, professor of practice of public administration and international affairs, tells Newsweek.

January 9, 2023

See related: Foreign Policy, Russia, Ukraine

Mihm Report on Practical Approach to Emergency Preparedness Published by IBM Business of Government

How can governments properly prepare now for when the next disaster strikes? Chris Mihm, adjunct professor of public administration and international affairs, provides six steps that give leaders a practical approach to emergency preparedness in a report published by the IBM Center for The Business of Government.

January 3, 2023

Himmelreich Speaks with Disruptor About Artificial Emotional Intelligence

"A world in which human interaction and emotional and facial expressions are surveilled and normed in such a way that it’s ethically defective in many different ways [is] like something straight from a 'Black Mirror' episode," says Johannes Himmelreich, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs.

December 27, 2022

WP 252 Fiscal Sustainability of Retiree Health Care Benefits Among New York State School Districts

Robert Bifulco, Minch Lewis, and Iuliia Shybalkina
December 22, 2022

Golden Discusses the Use of Heat Pumps as an Energy Efficient Upgrade for Homeowners in CNBC Article

Rather than generating heat, these devices transfer heat from the cool outdoors into the warm indoors and vice versa during warm weather. Heat pumps rely on electricity instead of natural gas or propane, both of which have a higher carbon emission than renewable electricity such as wind or solar, says Jay S. Golden, Pontarelli Professor of Environmental Sustainability and Finance. 

December 22, 2022

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Public Administration and International Affairs Department
215 Eggers Hall