Public Administration and International Affairs Department News, Media Commentary and Research
Michelmore quoted in Los Angeles Times article on Biden's COVID-19 relief proposal
See related: Child & Elder Care, COVID-19, Health Policy, United States
Steinberg provides insight into what to expect globally in 2021 on TVO
See related: Climate Change, COVID-19, State & Local, United States
Banks quoted in USA Today article on use of the Insurrection Act
See related: Government, Political Parties, U.S. Elections, United States
Williams contributes Atlantic Council piece on the future of NATO
See related: International Agreements, NATO
Banks discusses the National Guard monitoring protests with NBC News
See related: Government, United States
Maxwell faculty speak to the media about violence at the US Capitol
See related: Congress, Crime & Violence, Elections, Federal, United States
Banks sums up 2020 in China Daily article
See related: Civil Rights, COVID-19, Government, Political Parties, Race & Ethnicity, United States
Radcliffe quoted in Deseret News article on COVID-19 double standards
See related: COVID-19, Ethics, Health Policy, Mental Health, State & Local, United States
Heflin article on food & nutrition policy featured in Life Course Implications of US Public Policies
The author first provides an overview of the prevalence of food insecurity by age. Then, the author provides a brief summary of the food programs that are currently available in the United States and discusses how the life-course perspective can inform future policy and research.
See related: Food Security
Heflin paper on child well-being and Rental Assistance Demonstration published in Cityscape
Poverty and Proficiency: the Cost of and Demand for Local Public Education
Strategies of Secession and Counter-Secession
Stuart Brown and Margaret Hermann publish a study on transnational crime
This book examines 80 such safe havens which function outside effective state-based government control and are sustained by illicit economic activities.
Handbook on the Changing Geographies of the State: New Spaces of Geopolitics
Schwartz discusses challenges of post-COVID school mobility in The 74
"The literature says, 'These [mobile] kids do worse,'" says Amy Ellen Schwartz, Daniel Patrick Moynihan Chair in Public Affairs. "But really, on the whole, we’re unable to fully disentangle the effects of moving from the underlying factors that led to it. And from a policy point of view, I’m not sure it matters: You show me a kid who’s moved three times in the last eight months, I’ll show you a kid who needs special attention."
See related: Children, Adolescents, COVID-19, State & Local, U.S. Education, United States