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Public Administration and International Affairs Department News, Media Commentary and Research

PARCC scholars collaborate on new book on conflict

Catherine M. Gerard and Louis Kriesberg
December 31, 2018

The Code of Putinism

Brian Taylor
December 31, 2018

See related: Russia

Michelmore paper on targeting low-income students for college released

A study by Katherine Michelmore, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs, suggests that low-income students are more likely to apply to selective colleges if they’re aware that they can receive financial aid.

December 13, 2018

Bifulco's research on Say Yes program cited in article

Robert Bifulco, professor of public administration and international affairs, found gains in Buffalo after Say Yes when studying the scores of individual students, not just the district as a whole.

December 10, 2018

Lopoo study on health insurance and human capital published in Jour of Health Politics, Policy & Law

Leonard M. Lopoo, Emily B. Cardon & Kerri M. Raissian
November 30, 2018

Banks discusses Posse Comitatus Act in HowStuffWorks article

"Posse comitatus isn't the only legal problem. Everything that the United States does has to be based on some legal authority," says William C. Banks, professor emeritus of public administration and international affairs.

November 30, 2018

Steinberg comments on Putin's border plan in Foreign Policy

Putin’s overall vision is, first, to "create strategic depth for himself to make sure there’s nobody on his borders that can threaten him," says University Professor James Steinberg. "Second, it is to weaken and demoralize the West and keep folks preoccupied having to put out fires."

November 30, 2018

Shybalkina, Bifulco article on participatory budgeting published

Iuliia Shybalkina & Robert Bifulco
November 29, 2018

Banks discusses military role at border in Military Times, Vox

"On one hand, it is kind of ridiculous because there is nothing approaching an invasion there," says William C. Banks, professor of public administration and international affairs. "There is no indication that there is a force lining the border that [Customs and Border Protection] couldn’t take care of. But on the other hand, if you take the Cabinet order’s language at face value, and take what the president is saying as credible threats, then it becomes grayer."

November 28, 2018

Maxwell alum Joseph Strasser recipient of 2018 Arents Award

Maxwell alumnus Joseph Strasser ’53 B.A. (History)/’58 M.P.A., one of the Ssool’s most significant donors of all time, received the prestigious 2018 Arents Award, Syracuse University’s highest alumni honor. When accepting the award, Strasser spoke about his time in Germany and his philanthropic commitment to education and the welfare of animals.

November 26, 2018

Carboni publishes new report on giving circle membership

Julia L. Carboni & Angela Eikenberry
November 19, 2018

Maxwell X Lab, City of Syracuse collaboration improves tax collection process

Maxwell X Lab, part of the Center for Policy Research at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, recently completed a series of projects designed to reduce overdue property tax bills in the City of Syracuse. So far, the initiative has helped the City to recoup more than $1.4 million in overdue property taxes, and hundreds of additional properties were prompted to get current on their bills, preventing more costly and troublesome outcomes for both the owner and the City alike.

November 18, 2018

See related: Housing, State & Local

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Public Administration and International Affairs Department
215 Eggers Hall