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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Mitra Speaks with Bloomberg on Unemployment, Protests in India

Devashish Mitra, professor of economics and Gerald B. and Daphna Cramer Professor of Global Affairs, discussed the recent violent protests in India for the Bloomberg article "Burning Trains Reveal Wrath of Millions Without Jobs in India."
July 11, 2022

See related: India, Labor

Murrett in the IBT: Chinese Imports of Discounted Russian Oil 'No Surprise'

Robert B. Murrett, professor of practice of public administration and international affairs and deputy director of the Institute for Security Law and Policy at Syracuse University spoke with the International Business Times for the article "Oil Market: China And India Help Russia Beat US And EU Sanctions."
July 11, 2022

See related: China, Energy, India, Russia, Trade, Ukraine

Reeher Discusses Sen. Rick Scott’s Controversial Agenda and Tactics with the Washington Examiner

Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute, spoke with the Washington Examiner for the article, Florida GOP Sen. Rick Scott charts contrarian path to future political endeavors.
July 11, 2022

Engelhardt Examines Impact of Aging Baby Boomer Homeowners on Housing Supply

Professor Gary Engelhardt's research on the impact the aging and eventual death of baby boomers may have on future demand and the supply of homes listed for sale by older Americans (ages 50 and older) was featured in the Mortgage Orb article, "RIHA Studies Impact of Aging Baby Boomer Homeowners on Housing Supply."

July 8, 2022

See related: Aging, Housing, United States

Diem Spends Summer at University of Innsbruck

Albrecht Diem, professor of history, is serving as a guest professor at the University of Innsbruck this summer. His post is jointly sponsored by the Institute for Biblical Studies and Historical Theology, the Institute for Historical Studies and European Ethnology and the Institute for Ancient History and Ancient Near Eastern Studies
July 7, 2022

Maxwell School Launches Center for Policy Design and Governance

It will serve as a hub for scholars, policymakers and students to examine the design and impact of policies that communities use to solve public problems. 
July 7, 2022

Huber’s “Climate Change as Class War” Reviewed by Real Change News

"Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet," written by Professor Matthew Huber, was reviewed by Real Change News.

July 7, 2022

See related: Climate Change

Murrett Talks About the G7 and NATO Summits on 570 WSYR

Robert Murrett, professor of practice of public administration and international affairs, was interviewed on 570 WSYR about the G7 and NATO Summit meetings.

July 6, 2022

Taylor Weighs in on Possibility of Putin Interfering with US Midterm Elections in Newsweek

Professor Brian Taylor was quoted in the Newsweek article, "Russian War in Ukraine Gives Putin Reason to Interfere in Midterms: Experts."

July 5, 2022

Yinger Featured in Medium Article on Mortgage Discrimination

John Yinger, Trustee Professor of Economics and Public Administration and International Affairs, was featured in the Medium article, "Interview with Economics Professor John Yinger on Mortgage Discrimination."

July 1, 2022

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