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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Armstrong and collaborators author paper, win grant for excavation

Douglas Armstrong, professor and chair of anthropology, co-authored “Where Strangers Met: Evidence for Early Commerce at LaSoye Point, Dominica,” published last month in the journal Antiquity. The article is based on preliminary research conducted during 2018 at the LaSoye Point archaeological site on the east coast of Dominica, funded by a Northwestern University Research Grant.
November 25, 2019

Keck weighs in on the future of American democracy in the NY Times

Tom Keck, Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics, says drastic measures might be needed such as term limits for new justices and keeping open the possibility of expanding the [Supreme] court’s size. "It may be our least-bad option in restoring the court’s role as a democratic guardrail."

November 22, 2019

See related: SCOTUS, United States

Thorson quoted in CT Mirror article on Connecticut's tax myth

“Misconceptions about a particular policy, these are pretty common,” says Emily Thorson, assistant professor of political science, about falsehoods about policies for an article for the CT Mirror.

November 22, 2019

Steinberg discusses regional multilateralism in Nikkei Asian Review

"In the face of China's growing economic and military power, the region's countries are eager to find strategies to counter its influence," writes University Professor James Steinberg.

November 22, 2019

Burman weighs in on plan for funding Medicare for all in Washington Examiner

Leonard Burman, Paul Volcker Chair in Behavioral Economics, identifies that the major problem entailed by Senator Elizabeth Warren's "Medicare for all" proposal is that it would not be just a marginal tax on the 50th employee, but instead would apply to all previously hired employees.

November 19, 2019

Lovely discusses the trade war, tariffs with Marketplace, PolitiFact

"When the price of these inputs go up, U.S. businesses find it harder to compete against non-U.S. competitors, even in the U.S. market," says Mary Lovely, professor of economics.

November 19, 2019

Monnat takes part in White House roundtable aimed at reducing opioid overdoses

“Many people who misuse opioids are also misusing other substances, and a common driver of this is self-medicating,” says Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, whose research examines the connections between social disadvantage, place, public policy and health.

November 15, 2019

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