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Flores-Lagunes gives advice to 2020 graduates in

Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, professor of economics, says that graduate school is generally a smart option for students graduating during an economic downturn, provided they balance the added debt with demand for jobs in their desired profession. He added that students should look for programs that help them build connections and network with future employers. 

May 12, 2020

Dennison comments on COVID-19 testing in nursing homes on

Tom Dennison, professor of practice emeritus of public administration and international affairs, explores why infection control is difficult in nursing homes in an article for

May 4, 2020

Monnat discusses COVID-19 testing with Miami Herald,

"If people aren’t being tested, you’re risking not only spread, but greater severity of the illness," says Shannon Monnat, Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion.

April 17, 2020

See related: COVID-19, United States

Dennison quoted in article on hospital closures, COVID-19

"The health care system is a utility," says Tom Dennison, professor of practice emeritus of public administration and international affairs. "We can’t starve it between crises and expect it to be viable when the time comes when we need the services."

April 13, 2020

See related: COVID-19, New York State

Yinger comments on NY property assessments in article

"New York is all over the place,’" says John Yinger, Trustee Professor of Economics and Public Administration and International Affairs. "It has one of the craziest [property assessment] systems in the country."

September 18, 2019

Launch of Autonomous Systems Policy Insitute featured by local, national and international media

Numerous outlets covered the launch and the daylong symposium that brought together scholars, policymakers and industry experts to discuss the rapidly evolving field. 
May 7, 2019

IR student-refugee starts interpreter business for other CNY refugees

Khadijo Abdulkadir, an undergraduate international relations student at the Maxwell School, was the subject of the story "‘A star’ refugee starts business to speak for other Syracuse refugees, in 20 languages." Abdulkadir, a Somali refugee who came to Syracuse ten years ago speaking no English, says her business "will offer services to refugees that we did not have when we came here. It will be by refugees, for refugees." 02/18/19
February 18, 2019

Evensky writes about success in college on

Jerry Evensky, professor of economics, examines what "success in college" means in his article "How to get the most out of college: an insider's view," published on 
September 5, 2018

See related: Education

Dennison weighs in on recent Upstate controversies on

Tom Dennison, director of the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion, was quoted in the article "Troubles at Syracuse's Upstate Medical: disruption or growing pains?" Dennison says the recent events at Upstate don't "paint a picture of stability." "This is too important an asset in our community to allow this kind of disruption," he adds. 
June 6, 2018

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