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WP 166 A Laplace Stochastic Frontier Model

William C. Horrace & Christopher F. Parmeter
March 31, 2014

Learning By Doing

“He wasn’t just teaching the theoretical aspect of the course but empowering you with skills you need if you were to start working in a development agency,” says Odunayo Arowolo ’13 M.A. (IR/Econ), about the course taught by Bob Christen, professor of practice. “He wants you to be able to hit the ground running.”

March 13, 2014

See related: Student Experience

Crisis Management

Expert on political leadership, Margaret Hermann, professor of political science, analyzed the decision-making style of U.S. presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan during times of stress, particularly the Iranian hostage crisis. Hermann's research shows that stress highlights a leader's most characteristic traits, and that some policy makers thrive in crises while others may fall apart.

March 12, 2014

Remembering Guthrie

Alumni and former colleagues offer observations on a 50-year Maxwell faculty member and the School’s sixth dean, who passed away last summer.

March 12, 2014

Four Maxwell School Professors Named O’Hanley Scholars

The Maxwell School of Syracuse University is honoring four inspirational teachers and scholars as the first O’Hanley Faculty Scholars. 

March 7, 2014

Baltagi spatial lag models with nested random effects study published in Journal of Urban Economics

Badi H. Baltagi, Bernard Fingleton & Alain Pirotte
February 28, 2014

Baltagi study on dynamic spatial panel data forecasting published in Oxford BES

Badi H. Baltagi, Bernard Fingleton & Alain Pirotte
January 31, 2014

Schewe study on reducing nitrogen fertilizer application published in Land Use Policy

D. Stuart, Rebecca L.Schewe & M. McDermott
December 31, 2013

See related: Agriculture, Climate Change

WP 165 Hospital Treatment Rates and Spill-Over Effects

Badi H. Baltagi & Yin-Fang Yen
December 31, 2013

Hamersma article on temporary help work published in Industrial Relations

Sarah Hamersma, Carolyn Heinrich & Peter Mueser
December 31, 2013

Wilcoxen paper on pricing carbon in the US published in Resource and Energy Economics

Warwick J. McKibbin, Adele C. Morris & Peter J. Wilcoxen
December 31, 2013

See related: Energy

Trade and Employment in Asia

Devashish Mitra
December 31, 2013

See related: Trade

Life-Course Perspectives on Military Service

Janet M. Wilmoth and Andrew S. London
December 31, 2013

SkillsWin! A Playbook for Career Success

Bill Coplin
December 31, 2013

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