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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Conflict

Khalil discusses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in USA Today

"The most the Israelis are willing to offer does not meet the minimum demands of the Palestinians. This includes a viable, independent state with sovereignty over its borders and resources," says Osamah Khalil, associate professor of history.

September 23, 2019

Zoli op-ed on Taliban peace talks published in Newsday

Corri Zoli's article on US-Taliban peace talks was published in Newsday. "Some analysts have argued that the current peace negotiations with the Taliban are a face-saving exit for the United States, given hefty public pressure from the Trump administration, which intends to keep its campaign promise of getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan," writes Zoli.
September 11, 2019

Bhan discusses the conflict in Kashmir with Al Jazeera, BBC News

Mona Bhan, associate professor of anthropology and Ford-Maxwell Professor of South Asian Studies, says that the resistance to India's revocation of Articles 370 and 35A "depends of course on this massive military influx of the Indian forces into Kashmir territory and how that's going to pen out, how people are going to be able to navigate this new terrain of intense militarization."

August 12, 2019

Boroujerdi op-ed on US-Iran tensions published in US News

"If the White House game plan was based on the premise that imposing more robust sanctions would cause a popular uprising by the Iranian people to bring down the regime, it badly miscalculated," writes Professor of Political Science Mehrzad Boroujerdi. "Instead, the nuclear withdrawal convinced Tehran that ill will should beget ill will."

June 25, 2019

Boroujerdi weighs in on US-Iran tensions in Washington Times

"The Iranians do have an appetite for negotiating, but I think what is holding things up right now—and that’s the part that the Trump administration perhaps is not really comprehending—is they have to save face," says Professor of Political Science Mehrzad Boroujerdi.

June 19, 2019

Steinberg quoted in Foreign Policy article on legacy of World War II

"Lacking historical memories of the consequences of these quasi-isolationist/offshore balancing policies, we are heading down the track of repeating those tragic mistakes," says University Professor James Steinberg. Steinberg talked to Foreign Policy about the dying population of D-Day veterans, and the distinguishing generational reverence of that event.
June 11, 2019

Drew Kinney '18 PhD (PSc) discusses crisis in Venezuela in The Washington Post

Drew Kinney '14 M.A./'18 Ph.D. (PSc) says head of the National Assembly Juan Guaidó's "courting of the military to intervene in the political process and overthrow a state’s executive leadership is a textbook case of civilian coup advocacy."

May 3, 2019

Taylor weighs in on Russia's reaction to Ukraine election in Newsweek

Brian Taylor, professor and chair of political science, believes the situation between Russia and Ukraine will not change significantly with Zelensky’s election.

April 23, 2019

See related: Conflict, Elections, Russia, Ukraine

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