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Maxwell School News and Commentary

Filtered by: Federal

Lovely op-ed on restoring US manufacturing published in San Antonio Express-News

"To restore U.S. manufacturing jobs, we need to ask why production costs are higher here than abroad. We need to rebalance the costs and benefits to favor the U.S.," writes Mary Lovely, professor of economics. "To successfully manufacture in the U.S. and pay American wages, employers use advanced capital equipment."

September 16, 2020

Lovely quoted in Reuters article on how Biden will handle tariffs

"It’s unclear how [President Biden] will balance these different competing forces," says Professor of Economics Mary Lovely, about the different parties with a vested interest in Trump's China tariffs, such as labor unions, farmers and climate activists.

September 9, 2020

Baker comments on call for Trump to use Defense Production Act in NY Times

"What the federal government—the president or secretaries possessing delegated authority—have not done yet is use the D.P.A. [Defense Production Act] to create a permanent, sustainable, redundant, domestic supply chain for all things pandemic: testing, swabs, N95 masks, etc.," says Jamie Baker, director of the Institute for Security Policy and Law and professor of practice of public administration and international affairs.

July 31, 2020

Ma comments on order to stop visas for skilled immigrants in Politico

Yingyi Ma, associate professor of sociology, assesses that Trump's executive order suspending the entry of foreign workers seeking H1-B visas "seriously undermines American leadership in fields such as technology and medicine where skilled immigrants serve as the backbone."

June 25, 2020

Tóbiás featured in WalletHub article on economic fallout from COVID-19

Áron Tóbiás, assistant professor of economics, says the most important lesson that state authorities can learn from the economic fallout of this pandemic is "the unexpected happens—better be prepared." He adds, "From a public finance perspective, state governments (and the federal government, too) might want to think about setting up more robust rainy-day funds once this crisis is over."

June 11, 2020

Banks discusses the Insurrection Act with Christian Science Monitor,

"You want to come to the aid of the states when states can’t take care of themselves," says Professor Emeritus William C. Banks, about President Trump's threat to invoke the Insurrection Act.

June 4, 2020

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